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A/N: Here is an update.. I'm not in the good mood because I just read Aot Extra Pages leaks.. and I am NOT happy about it. I just read it 5 mins ago. Definitely ruined my mood. I actually still don't know if what I read was true. But let's say the panel I saw.. has something to do with the conflict of this story.. Just want to let you know that. Anyways Enjoy


Eren and I had matched up to 5 games of COD, cliché, But nevermind that. I turned off the TV since we got bored playing.

"So, What now?" I asked him.

He thought for a second. "How's the book?" He asked.

"What book?" I asked unsurely, since I do read a lot of books.

"The documentary one about Scouts and Titans stuff" He said. Tilting his head.

I nodded and I started to remember where I placed the book. I stood up and took the book from the white wooden drawer and I placed it on the black wooden coffee table in-front of him.

I slowly pushed the book towards him,"I stopped reading it." I said turning my gaze to the floor.
He gave me a confused look.

I took a deep breath before I continue "So.. The author's friend was kidnapped by the armored and the colossal, and from the dreams I had been having. The author's friend was.." I trailed off.

Eren's head tilt to the side. "Was..?" He asked trailing off. "You, Eren." I continued.

Eren's eyes widen from shock. "I am not comfortable knowing that you got kidnapped on both of my dreams and the story. The author said that it has been 2 hours ever since the kidnapping happened and that you were gone." I continued.

He scooted a little closer to me and smiled. "If you are worried that I might get kidnapped in this world too. Then you're probably wrong."

I shifted my eyes on hin from the floor. "It just doesn't sit right with me. I don't want to lose a friend. Especially you" The last words definitely did slipt.

He sighed, "you won't lose me, I promise. Not even in this world. No one would try to kidnap someone like me." He said surely. I chuckled because of his last words.

He laughed along with me and right after the laughing breaks down. He opened his arms and leaned in and hugged me. I hugged him back of-course. I let out little tears on how grateful I am. I am too scared to read the rest of the story since It might do something in this world. I'm too scared what might happen to my family, my friends and to the people around me.

If this is really reincarnation. It means that we were given another chance to live a world. Since the world we had before was broken. And I think not everyone had a happy ending.


It is a Monday, all of us are back from our weekend and here we are standing in the auditorium to have a Monday Morning Ceremony.

"Alright students! You may head back to your classes!" The HeadMaster said. The Head Master walked out from the stage, us students were heading back to our classes.

We were passing by the lockers when Connie raced forward to reach Armin and whispered something into his ear. I can barely hear what He just whispered but Armin replied with a volume that I could hear, "eh! I don't know.. I can't do that.. Connie.. sorry."

Connie rested his arm on Armin's shoulder, "oh Please~ Armin! I totally forgot about it." Armin was giving Connie and unsure look and he kept rubbing his hair with his hand. We were about to reach the classroom but Connie was dodged to the side which made everyone flinched and gasped.

"Keep your hands off him Potato head." Annie said.
"Potato head?!" Sasha yelled and started laughing hysterically. Annie rolled her eyes from what Sasha said.

"I was only asking for Homework.. you don't have to push me." Connie said, lifting himself up and rubbing the invisible dust off. Annie leaned to Connie's ear.

(Connie's POV)

Annie was coming closer to my ear with her arms crossed and I could feel death coming to me while I'm around her.

"His mine, now back off. Neck kisser." Annie threatenly whispered to my ear. I felt tingles on my entire body and the hair from my skin were all standing from the fright.

She slowly moves away still giving me a death look. Annie looked at Armin then made her way to her class. Which is across ours. The students who were stopped to see the action happening started gossiping and made their way to their classes also. Leaving me, Sasha, Jean, Eren, Armin and Mikasa standing in the hallway.

"What did she tell you?" Armin asked. I don't want to talk to him yet because I could still feel Annie's eyes on me. Gosh she is terrifying.

It has been a minute and I still haven't answered Armin's question. Sasha looked around the hallways and checked her phone for the time. "Should we go in now .. or.. should we wait for Mr. Shadis out here?"

"Let's go.. my legs are wimp." Jean said. "I bet you always loose your tournament." Eren said walking to the classroom. "What tournament? Eyebrows" Jean said sassily as he followed Eren to the room.

"Horse tournaments." Eren said facing Jean and giving him a smirk. "Oh you little-" Jean went forward and grabbed Eren by his collar.

"What? Can't you accept that you are a horse? I bet you were a horse in your past life." Eren snickered. Jean and Eren started punching and kicking each other.

(Mikasa's POV)

"Should we do something about this, Mikasa?" Armin said scaredly to me who was just watching the fight, sitting on my seat. I shook my head. Armin gave me an unsure look and went back to his seat.

"Oi! shut up!" Someone from the door said. Everyone's eyes turned to the person on the door and it was Levi.

Levi rolled his eyes, "your stupid yellings reached our classroom which is 5 classrooms away. Now Shut  Up before a teacher comes up here."

Erwin came from behind him. Well he isn't hiding because we WOULD still SEE Erwin if he hides behind, you know- 

"Don't be mean to the Juniors." Erwin said. "We're actually here to keep an eye on you but yeh your voices are heard until our classroom." Hangé popped out behind Erwin.

Now She can Hide behind him.

"True.. The teachers are in a meeting Lucky for you it is held on the other side of the school. So they asked asked Three seniors to keep an eye on each junior classes. So yeh that's why we are here." Erwin said.

The three of them went inside and started looking around. "Oh how I miss this place!" Hangé clapped and started jumping. "I remember on how I used to play experiments here."

"Yeh.. it explodes..EVERY SINGLE F•CKING TIME." Levi said. Hangé patted Levi's back. "That's because I was still a Junior back then, Now as a senior.. It does not explode! That much-" Levi shook his headx

Moment of silence passed by. Eren leaned to me and whispered something while looking at the front. "I told my mom about you eating at our place and she said that she is happy to welcome you there and could eat as long as you like."

I looked at him gratefully, "thanks.. I think.. I'll stop by later for dinner."  Eren's head snapped to me. "Really?" .

I blinked unsure what to say, "y-yeh? If that's okay.." I trailed off. "Of course its okay!" Eren said loudly which made people look us.

"Sorry" he said in low volume. "I'll go to yours once I'm done with my homework." I said. Eren nodded.

A/N: Get ready for the next chapter, because its about to get good.. or bad.. I don't know.. and I won't tell so Stand by for the Next. It is interesting.

Enjoy, and see you in the next chapter!

Maybe in Another Life; An Eremika Modern AU FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now