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A/N: Yesterday I was debating whether to update or not... so I finally made a decision to upload it the next day.. which is today.. but more like night..

I am very thankful for the voters
As well as to those who just read, totally appreciate that you guys find this entertaining.

Last night I slept at 756 reads and tonight I will be sleeping with 818 reads


So Anyways.. Enjoy the chapter.

I updated the "Pictures I want to share with you."
Check it out for Eremika Pictures

A waiter soon came to both of our tables; our's and Yelena's. And took our orders. We ordered Steak, Sautéd Chicken, Vegetable Salad, Soup and some Mashed Potatos. And Icecream for Dessert.

Sasha won't stop watching at people while they eat, it's quite embarassing actually, But That's Sasha.

The Entrance door soon opened and revealed Hangé's Friend group with Levi's Friend group walking. What a coincidence.

Hangé Immediately spotted us and sprinted towards us. She went behind Armin and Marco and hugged the both of them. "Congrats you two!"

Armin and Marco thanked. "Well.. we bump into each other lately don't you think so.." Hangé said.

"Definitely.. its like the world wants us to see each other." I replied. We both laughed while the rest stare at us.

"You guys are here for celebration?" Isabelle asked.
We nodded.

"We should get our table." Erwin said. "See you around!" Hangé yelled.

They soon got to their tables and our food arrived.

Sasha and Connie both drooling to how much food there is and how apetizing they are.

"Bon Apetit!" Sasha said and begun digging the food. We then took some food and started eating.

"So.. what do you guys think of SCH?" Marco asked.

"Well.. the cafeteria food is good" Sasha said.

"It's nice actually, And Its because I met all of you! I actually thought I'd become a complete loner" Armin said.

"Same.. I actually thought no one would talk to me" Christa said.

"Aww that's where you are wrong sweetheart, I would talk to you." Ymir proudly said, which made Christa blush.

I looked at Eren and found him looking at me, he then gave me a "I ship it" look and I gave him a "same" look.

As I was eating, I noticed that Jean was starring at me, he somewhat looks jealous, I mean I was a bit annoyed from the starring but I get it, he likes me. So I decided to just ignore it. But I just can't like him back because I have my own Likings.

Yelena came to our table, "hey.. you guys should stay here for a bit after eating.. we want to get to know you guys.."

We looked at each other hesitantly. "Umm.. is it okay for you guys?" Armin asked. "Sure" Eren said.

I shrugged and so did Annie.

Sasha, Connie,Jean, Marco, Reiner and Bertoldt Nodded.

"Mhm" Christa said, "if Christa is staying then I'm staying" Ymir said.

Maybe in Another Life; An Eremika Modern AU FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now