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I wait outside of the school's main building, waiting for Alisha. I pull out my phone, scrolling down my feed, ignoring the dirty glares I get from the passing by students.  

Alisha and I came here on a scholarship, but she got the brains and I got the extra energy that I use on the field. She got the scholarship by taking the test for it, while I played on the field. So we don't exactly come from the richest family, but we try to fulfill our parents dream of doing well in school and getting a good job, then help take care of them as they grow old. 

I lift my gaze to the gate of the school to see Alisha brushing past people, adjusting the strap of her backbag on her shoulder. Once she sees me, a smile appears on her face as she jogs over to me. "Let's go!" She exclaims tugging at my arm. 

"You don't even know where it is-" I say following her tugging. 

"Right-" She stops walking and  "Well lead the way" She says smacking my arm. Well someone's excited- 

I walk towards the directions I was given the other day to walk into a gated community. The whole neighborhood is mansion like houses, screw that they are mansions. Alisha and I both look up at the mansions we walk past in awe. 

The house we are working at is the end of the street, also the biggest one. The whole mansion is made out of stone, and it looks like it's 2 stories. There are two waterfalls at the entrance, the larger one on the side of the garages and the smaller one beneath the large doors. The larger waterfall is surrounded by greenery and one large cherry tree with redish leaves. There are three garages and on top of them seems like a large open balcony with a sitting area that has a large canopy umbrella for shade. On the side, across from the garages is a small staircase that leads to the main entrance. 

We stand on the other side of the gate, Alisha presses the speaker button and a voice speaks through the speaker. 

"Names?" They say monotone. 

"Uh Jake and Alisha, here for the jobs of the bodyguard and assistant."  I reply. 

After a moment, there's a beep and the gates open. We step foot onto the property and gawk all around us. We walk up the steps and knock on the door that gets opened up by security. Holy shit, the inside of the house is even bigger. Guess this is where I'll be living for most of the week. 

This is where Alisha and I get separated, an old man leads me up the stairs and turns right leading me to a room. "This is who you'll be guarding, you don't interrupt her or go in unless she lets you in, you stand out here and go with her everywhere, understood?" He asks and I nod. 

"Great, you start right tonight," He says knocking ont the door and a girl appears, the girl I've been watching from school all day today. Well then, this is going to be a long job. 

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