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I walk into the school with Jake behind me, ok this might be kinda uncomfortable but i need to get used to this. I see him a little worried while he followed my steps.
"Hey whats wrong?"i ask and he shakes his head .
"Nothing i just havent been able to see my parents and that got me worried" he answers and i turn around to face him.
"Go check on them ill cover you up with the teachers" i say and his eyes shine a bit,
"Really? What about you tho?" He asks a lil worried but i smile.
"I know how to take care of myself , go for me ok? Ill tell the teachers something to cover you up" he thanks me with the sweetest smile before pulling out his phone , a group of guys walk by pass him and one of them slams his phone to the floor to busrt out laughing after.
Jakes hands turns into fist before he lets out a frustrated blow and walk out the building holding his now broken phone , well shawn was right. People can be mean to other for some reason or another.
But im not standing here , i texted shawn to cover me up and left the school. The gates closed but i know how to get back in if i needed to anyways , i walked inside a store and got one of those new models phones .
It was big and slim , perfect . I payed for it and got it a case as well , i dont know what jake likes so i went for his name on the left corner of a case and plain black . I remember him saying he likes food so the guy added some food design on the center of the case . Ok now this screams jake even if i dont know him fully.
I put the one on the box once again and closed it , the case was on top with a small bow . I saw him standing outside of the gates not knowing how to get in .
"How do we get in now-" he asks and i take his hand , leading him through some bushes to finally get to a hole in the gate , we both got in and rushes into the building.
We are on the same grade which is why we share most classes.
We made it to spanish before the teacher walked in and sat by eachother.
I handed him the phone box and the case , he looked at me confused before opening it with widen eyes .
"But i cant-" he starts
"You work for me , so u obey me and i say its all yours" i state and smile draws on his face.
"Thank you so much" he says opening the box and starting his new phone, hm...hes cute when hes happy.

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