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While Jake walks away following his guy, I follow my guy. He gives me a small tour first, small is an understatement considering the size of this place. I mean I'm all for a huge place like this, but it's so big don't people get lonely? Also really tired of walking everywhere-

Maybe that's why they have so many workers, so they don't have to stress themselves out by doing anything. 

"And last but not least," Yeah, I'm sure it's not the least. "In here is who you're going to work for," The man says and the door opens. 

The guy on the other side of the door is tall and lean, wearing a simple white shirt and some sweats. "And this is Shawn," The old man on my left introduces. 

"Alisha," I smile and put my hand out. His eyes shamelessly wander over me before shaking my head. 

"Alright Steven you're set to go," Shawn nods towards Steven, who gives a polite nod back and makes his way back down the stairs. 

Shawn opens the door wider and I walk in, taking in the room. The room is large as well, when walking in the first wall you see upfront has 2 large windows leading to the balcony that leads to the view of their backyard. His walls are a cream color, and from what I see, his room is a mess, I thought they have housekeeping-

His bed is on the far left corner, against the wall with the door, his desk is on the other side of the room from his bed, diagonally, next to one of the windows. Next to his desk is another door, the bathroom I assume. Across from his desk, on the side of his bed is another desk yet smaller.

"What do you work as?" I ask as he walks over to his desk. 

"I don't," he replies and I look at him confused. "I'm just a busy man," He shrugs. More like a lazy one. 

"That's not the best first impression now is it," He sits back on his chair, oops I said that out loud-

"What can I start off with?" I ask and he drops a stack of papers on the desk across from his. 

"Organize these to start," he says. 

"What order?" 


I walk over to the desk and take a seat on the office chair spreading the papers out, this job may be easier than I thought. 

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