Chapter 12: Surprise: A Secondary Plan

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"What did you mean by that Saurian, got any ideas?" John asked.

"A good warrior always has a secondary plan" Saurian said.

"What's yours?" George asked.

Saurian looked intently at the boys and then he whistled twice. There was a flash of lightning which struck the ground. The ground began to open wide. A gaping chasm was left when the ground stopped moving. Saurian looked into the chasm. There were strange screeching and scratching sounds coming from the hole.

"Brothers! It is time!" Saurian roared and hundreds of winged creatures began to fly from the hole.

"What are they?" Sam asked.

"They are Pterogons" Saurian answered. "Faithful followers ready to heed my call. Think this army will be enough?" Saurian asked John.

"More than enough" Sam cut John off before he could say anything negative. "Now we have enough warriors, we can successfully rescue all the captives" Sam said.

"What are you planning Sam?" Saurian asked.

"An Air Strike" Sam answered. "Saurian, you and I will cloak ourselves in invisibility. We'll lead the Pterogons over to Dinosaur Mountains. We'll lead any remnants of T-Rexus' army away. I just hope these Pterogons have really fiery breaths" Sam said looking hopefully at Saurian and at the Pterogons.

The Pterogons lifted their heads to the top of the Cave, opened their mouths and breathed fire. After their short fire display, John and George were sweating profusely.

"The Pterogons will lead T-Rexus' secondary army away from the Cave and distract them to give us enough time to rescue the captives" Sam concluded.

"That is an excellent plan!" Ophiacodon exclaimed thoughtfully.

Though Sam looked confident enough, he was still worried. Saurian noticed this. So did George and John.

"This will be the night!" Ophiacodon said excitedly. "The final battle between man and dinosaur".

"Mm-mm" Saurian cleared his throat elaborately.

"Come on Saurian, you have to accept the fact that this is their battle" Ophiacodon laughed.

"You had better start preparing yourselves. It is almost time to get the Pterogons ready. I'll rally the Dimetrodon".

"Sam, I know you're nervous..." George was saying.

"Nervous?! I'm terrified! The fate of the world rests in my hands. I don't want to think of what will happen if I fail" Sam said.

"Come on Sam, look at the bright side..." George was saying.

"Bright side?! Whatever it is, I can't see it!" Sam was saying.

"The world is in danger, if we don't stand against the Dinosaurs, all hope is lost. If we do stand against them and fail, there will be no regrets, we tried our best" George said.

"George is right! Anyway that's the more reason we can't fail. Imagine this world being ruled by those giant, mean, ugly, mutated lizards not to mention their appetite for flesh" John said. "That will be like the..."

"John!" Sam shouted. "This isn't the right time for negativity. Besides you are tightening the knot in my belly" Sam said almost angrily.

"Sorry about that" John apologized.

"Yeah, you've said that a lot lately but I just can't help it. It's like I'm trapped, like I have no choice. It's like destroy the world or let the world be destroyed" Sam was saying.

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