Chapter 22

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Once are even smaller group made it through the tunnel it opens up to a hallway lit with flickering fleuro lights. We opened an iron door to reveal what looks like a lab.

"Ooo wonder how this happened" I say pointing to the dead guy on the floor.
"Hm but it's not just him" Minho says pointing to another dead person "I think everyone is dead".

We explore the lab in silence until Newt says "So they were watching us" pointing to a screen that shows different angles of the glade and the maze.

Thomas and Teresa stand behind some desks and then Thomas pushed a flashing red button on the screen. Clearly he never learnt that big red buttons only lead to trouble.

A lady in a white lab coat appears on another screen. She tells us that she is the head of the world catastrophe kill zone department other wise known as WCKD. She says she's the one that put as through the maze and is responsible for everything we went through in what she calls the maze trails.

She tells us about the scorch and the flare. How we are important and are humanity's last hope for a cure. The most curious thing about this prerecorded video is that in the background the lab is being shot up and everyone is dying. At the end of the video the lady in the white lab coat who we now know is Doctor Ava Paige did something none of us expected. She brought a gun to her own head and then *Bang*.

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