Chapter 2

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Since Win couldn't fall asleep, he turned on his laptop and looked at some nearby places for dinner the next day.

He found a place called South Hills which sells the best steaks in Legazpi City. He booked a table for two for dinner.

Bright doesn't bother with these things. He lets Win take these decisions. And it seems to be beneficial because Win always chooses places where Bright gets to have the food he loves to eat.

Their flight was in the morning and it was a 6 hour flight from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Legazpi. From Legaspi they would have to manage a ride on the Pan Philippine Highway to reach the Mayon Volcano.

Win finally went to bed, only to be woken up by 9 missed calls and the ringtone of the current call.

"Hello Bright!" He yawned.

"You are late. It is 9.10. We gotta reach the airport by 10. Hurry up."

"Okay" he yawned before hanging up.


"Bright, I am here. Come down."
Win called him as soon as he reached Bright's condo to pick him up.

"I am in the lobby already. Wait. Coming." He said and there he was.

"What were you doing last night that you woke up late?" He asked Win.

"I was so excited I couldn't sleep. So I booked a restaurant for dinner tonight."

"Ah okay." Bright didn't need to ask anything more because he knew he would get his favorite dish there. Win has never let him down on the food department.

Reaching the airport, rushing through the check-in, immigration and security check, they finally made their way to the flight on time.

The flight took off and within minutes Win was asleep. Bright was reading a magazine when suddenly he felt Win's head resting on his shoulders.

He didn't mind. He took the blanket and covered Win's body to let him sleep more comfortably. There was a smile with a hint of blush on his face.

When the flight reached Cebu, Bright woke him up, "Ai Nong, Win...we are at Cebu. Let's have some lunch. Nong..."

Win woke up and found himself rested on Bright's shoulders.

"Ai it's numb." Bright touched his shoulder that was under the weight of Win's head for this long.

"I will give you a massage when we reach our hotel." Win laughed.

"I won't let you sleep if you don't." Bright meant it innocently but Win's dirty mind jumped into fantasies.

He brushed off those thoughts and followed Bright out of the aeroplane.

They sat at one of the restaurants in the airport.
"One set of salmon sushi, an egg tart for me and a stir fried beef for him." Bright ordered.

Win looked at Bright, noticing how Bright took charge and ordered Win's favorite stir fried beef. It made him fall for Bright a little more. He blushed. Bright finished ordering and took his eyes on Win. He noticed that Win was blushing and it made him blush too.

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