Chapter 18

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Win woke up and himself sleeping on Bright's chest. They were both naked under the blanket.

Win tried to get up from the bed but his butt hurt. Bright woke up by then and helped him sit up.

"You don't have to do anything. Just stay here, relax and rest. I will order room service." Bright commanded and kissed Win's forehead.

The sky outside was still quite dark due to all the smoke in the air. They could not go out of the hotel today anyway.

The next morning was their flight. This meant that they have to wake up early at dawn and go to the airport, given that the flights would be functional.

Win asked Bright, "You were saying something about never feeling this way before with anyone else? What did you mean by that?"

The room service was here. Bright got the food inside and served it to Win.

He then sat down beside him and spoke, "I have always fought with my inner self regarding my sexual preference. I have always been attracted to men. But because my mom used to always talk about having a daughter-in-law and a grandchild, I took her words literally and she always comes first in my life."

"I know." Win let him know and fed him a piece of shrimp from his own plate.

"So I started lying to myself. I kept telling myself that my duty is more important and so I have to date a girl and marry a girl and have kids. So I dated her. We had sex a few times but I was never totally aroused. I had to go to the washroom and make it erect before I went to bed with her. Soon after she discovered that my phone is filled with your photos and how I behave around you. She got the hint that I was not into her. She finally told me that I need to accept the fact that I like men. We fought that day. There was already the tension regarding the Taiwan incident and then this. I was still dishonest at that time. I took my frustration out on her. I yelled at her and that was the break up."

Win pat his back to calm him down. He could see Bright was getting worked up.
"Hey, it's alright now. You are honest with yourself now. And your mom accepts us. We are good."

Bright looked at him and then leaned forward to kiss his lips again.

"You know while I was with her faking being a straight guy, I always used to struggle with my boner for you. I always wanted to have you. While having sex with her, I used to think about you."

"That is not romantic Bright, even if you are trying to make it sound like it." Win laughed.

"Okay, never mind. It's the truth though. I have always had a tough time keeping my emotions in check because I craved for you all the time. I wanted to kiss your lips and take you up in my arms and have you on my bed."

Win was too shy to speak anymore. He stuffed a few more prawns into Bright's mouth to shut him up.


                            The End

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