Chapter 9

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"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have kissed you."
Bright panicked as soon as he lip-kissed Win.

He didn't want to lead Win on when he knows he is not going to end up with Win. He has to marry a girl and have kids in future, he reminded himself.

Win stood silent for a minute there and then finally spoke, "You kissed me and you are sorry for it?"

"Yes, I don't love you. So I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I am sorry." Bright was still panicking. He couldn't let Win know that he was struggling within with his feelings for Win and his duty towards his mother.

Win couldn't take it. He felt insulted. Bright just kissed him and then apologized for it. He even went on to say that he didn't love him. Win felt heartbroken. He stormed off the room.

Jeff entered a minute later and asked, "Where is Win? It's time for dinner."

Bright was shocked by Win's reaction and his anger got transferred on Jeff.

"You stay away from Win." He bit out his teeth.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Jeff instigated him further.

Bright had had enough now. He held Jeff by the collar and Anna barged in right then.
"Guys, what the hell are you doing?"

Dalisay was right behind.
"Okay we have had enough. This is not what I intended. Bright please leave him."

Bright let go of Jeff's collar and then Dalisay spoke, "Bright, it's not Jeff's fault. It was all my plan."

"What plan?" Bright was blank.

"We have not been completely honest.
I am a big fan of you two. I already knew that you two were coming here to visit Mayon Volcano.

We have a fan group on Facebook with 75k members now that posts updates about you and Win. I got to know from there that you were visiting the Mayon Volcano today. So I planned with my two friends that we would meet you here, befriend you, act like we don't know you and then try to bring you two closer by using Jeff and Anna to make you and Win jealous to make you realize that you and Win have feelings for each other."

"But I don't have feelings for Win." Bright became defensive.

"But we clearly saw how you got jealous every time Jeff went close to Win."

Bright stood there in silence, having nothing more to say in his defense.

Dalisay continued, "We thought we would meet here and then start our plan of making you two jealous but then when the hotel receptionist of your previous hotel posted in the Facebook fan group that you guys were leaving and that she heard you guys talking about hitchhiking, I saw an opportunity there. I rushed Anna and Jeff and got out with our car right then.

We parked nearby your previous hotel. Then when we saw you two on the highway, we acted as if we were just driving by and then we picked you up.

I had planned Anna to get close to you to make Win jealous because you are the one who pretends to be straight. So a girl would make Win jealous.

Since Win is more open about his feelings and a guy going after Win would make you more jealous than a girl going after him, so we chose Jeff for him to make you jealous.

That was all we wanted - to make you two feel the jealousy and realize your feelings for each other, away from the pressure of the world. I wanted you two to get together. Maybe we went too far. I am just a crazy fan of you and Win."

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