Chapter 5

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Bright put up an Instagram story of his steak.

Win put up an Instagram boomerang story of Bright having his steak.

Fans messaged them, "Bright is panic gay, Win is confident gay."

Returning to their hotel, they got freshened up.

Bright took out his phone, "Win, let's take a photo together."

Win smiled and stood beside him. Bright was less than half an inch shorter than Win. So he tried to stand on his toes to seem taller than Win.

"What are you doing?" Win laughed at his silly action. Before they knew it, Bright fell down on the bed with Win in his arms. Win lying on the bed topped by Bright's body created an intense sexual tension in the air. They both felt it. Bright was just an inch away from accidentally kissing Win on the lips.

Win broke the tension by laughing out loud. Bright joined in. They laughed it out.

The next morning, they had to take a ride to Mayon Volcano. It was an hour-long journey, more if there would be traffic on the highway.

They checked out at 12 noon and requested for a taxi at the hotel reception. The receptionist said that taxis were not travelling there that day.

They decided to hitchhike a ride. It was Win's idea. He has been pampered all his life by his family and always had all the luxury. He was dying for an adventure.

A car stopped for them almost instantly. The car had two ladies and a man inside. They were travelling to the Mayon Volcano as well. What a coincidence, they thought.

Bright and Win hopped in. The space wasn't great and Win and Bright's arms and thighs were in contact throughout the journey.

Bright tried to speak to Win during the ride but whenever he turned towards Win, he found their faces too close to each other. He could not resist that temptation for long. He was afraid he would end up lip kissing Win. So he decided not to have any conversation.

They were somewhat glad that they found people who were not aware of them being celebrities. This helped them be their usual selves instead of doing fan service.

They finally reached the volcano. They checked in to their hotel, The Marison Hotel. The people in the car were staying in the same hotel as them and they were going to visit the volcano the next day just like them. More coincidence?

"Bright, I can see the volcano from here!" Win seemed so excited, standing at the balcony.

Bright went out to join him. Placing his hands on the railing, he stood to take in the majestic view of the giant, standing proud, soaring high into the clouds.

Bright's finger touched Win's who was also standing in the same manner with his hands on the railing for support. Bright removed his hands instantly and stood straight. He had to overcome these temptations. He could not fall for Win, he reminded himself.

Mayon: A BrightWin BL FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now