Chapter 4

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Reaching Legazpi, they went to their hotel.

The had booked a room with twin beds but the hotel had upgraded them to a king size bedroom as the rooms were unoccupied.

"Oh, okay. I guess that's fine. Thank you." Bright said to the female receptionist.

Win added, "We are more than happy. Thank you so much."
They both smiled at her and went up.

The female receptionist, a die-hard BrightWin fan, danced with joy at having accomplished her fantasy - BrightWin sleeping on the same bed. She couldn't stop giggling and laughing like an idiot. She was ecstatic.

Bright dropped himself on the bed, face down. Win sat on the bed first, then dropped himself beside Bright, facing the ceiling.

"What a journey! Almost 8 hours!" He sighed with relief, finally in the room.

Bright turned his head towards him, awfully close to Win's face, he thought, but didn't move from there and asked, "Are you hungy?"

He looked at Win's lips as soon as he said that, as if he would let his own lips be eaten by Win.

Win noticed him looking at his lips. He blushed and sat up to hide the blush.

"Let me take a shower first. Then we'll go for dinner."

Bright dropped his face back on the bed, trying to control his erection again.


When the hotel receptionist watched them leave the hotel together, she snapped a photo of them to upload on a BrightWin fan group of 66 thousand members and growing.

Sitting inside the taxi, Win checked his Instagram.

"Look at this. The fan who took our photo uploaded it and fans are already editing the photo. This one has your hand circled with red and see this comment, 'He treats his Nong as his wife. #HandOnWaist'." Win laughed, showing Bright the photo on his phone and the comment.

Bright smirked but said nothing.

Reaching the restaurant, they took their seats. The menu arrived.

"What is your best selling dish?" Bright asked.

"Sir, the steak."

Bright glanced at Win, who was looking at his menu and glanced back at the waiter and ordered the steak. He knew. He knew Win would choose a place that serves his favorite dish. Win cared for him so much, he thought. He never has to ask Win to do something for him. Win just does it.

But he can't fall in love with Win. His mother needs a daughter-in-law to care of her and he needs to marry a girl and have a child. He is straight, he reminded himself. While he was consumed with thoughts, Win placed his order.

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