Chapter 15

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Win looked at his athletic body as he took off his shirt.

He then took his pants off and there was the erection, rock hard, waiting to go inside Win's body and create an eruption.

As Win watched him, Bright stood there in front of the bed, completely naked, stroking his taut penis.

He watched Win take his clothes off and kept masturbating looking at him.

When Win had finally undressed and become naked, Bright came a step closer to the bed and Win watched how violently Bright was stroking himself. There was no mercy. Full forced motion from the base to the tip and back and the expression on Bright's face was of hunger.

Bright was hungry. He had been waiting to eat his Nong Win and today was the day he would finally do it.

"Are you going to be that violent when you do it with me?" Win gulped and spoke.

"Do you want me to be gentle? I can be gentle. Or I can do it with much more force. Take your pick." Bright smirked.

"Ai Bright, it's my first time. You must be gentle." Win confessed.

Bright was surprised. He didn't expect Win to be a virgin. He thought just like him, Win must have had sex with women before.

Knowing that that wasn't the case and that Bright would be the one to break his virginity, Bright slowed down his hungry emotions. He controlled his breathing and then got on top of the bed.

He sat beside Win and kept stroking his penis continuously in a constant motion.

"Can I use my mouth?" Win asked.

"You don't need my permission. Just do what you want to do." Bright smiled gently and started kissing him on the lips.

Bright was taking control of the kiss, getting on top of Win now. He held both of Win's hands on top of his head  and kept on kissing him more passionately.

Bright then lay himself down on top of Win and started pushing his erect penis against the skin between Win's balls and ass. His strokes kept getting stronger.

Win wanted to break free of the kiss to let out the moanings he was accumulating by Bright's strokes but Bright wouldn't let go of his mouth. The liplock continued.

When Bright finally gave Win some time to breathe, Win's continuous moans made Bright's penis swell with more blood pumping in.

He couldn't take it any longer. He would let Win suck his penis some other time. Right now, he needed to get himself inside Win. He couldn't wait anymore. His penis hurt. It was craving Win.

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