Chapter 8

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Bright, Win, Anna, Jeff and Dalisay got up early next morning and went to see the volcano up close.

They walked through a grassland to reach the ground near the volcano.

Bright was pissed at how Jeff kept brushing his arms with Win every now and then along the way.

Win, on the other hand, saw Anna giggling and conversing with Bright like they were flirting. It irked Win.

They started going up the slope.

Anna put her hand forward for Bright to hold and he didn't have any reason to refuse. He wanted to help. So he held her hand while they climbed up.

Win didn't see it as innocently. He absolutely hated how close Anna was getting to Bright.

Win suddenly slipped and Jeff got a hold of him before he fell down.

Bright left Anna's hand and looked back and went down to check on him, "Win, you okay?"

Watching Win in Jeff's arms irked Bright more. He held Win's hand and pulled him up to make him stand straight again.

"Watch the steps, Win. I'll go up with you. Jeff, can you go help Anna please." He sounded very possessive.

Win smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Bright frowned thinking how close Win and Jeff was a moment ago.

"Nothing. Let's go up." Win smiled again.

After their volcano tour, they came back to the hotel.

Bright video-called his mother and his cat back home in Thailand.

"Where is Win?" She asked after they talked for some time.

"He is here." Bright turned the phone camera towards him.

"Sawadee Krub," Win greeted her.

Win has been to Bright's condo a couple of times and Bright's mother is fond of him.

Before hanging up, she said, "Take care of your Nong, Bright."

"Dae krub, Sawadee Krub, Mae." Bright replied.

Before dinner, Jeff and Win's closeness was bothering Bright again.

He finally said, "Win, don't sit beside Jeff during dinner. He is getting too close to you. I don't like that."

Win looked at him and said, "What? He and I are not getting close. In fact you and Anna are getting too close. Holding hands together and laughing and serving food to each other..."

Bright laughed as if it was a ridiculous idea to link him up with Anna and said, "I was just being polite, Nong. But Jeff is trying to get close to you."

"P'Bright is jealous!" He started teasing Bright.

"Ai Win, stop it or I will kiss you till you drop." Bright spoke before he could think.

Win became speechless at this.

"I will kiss you till you drop" is a popular phrase Bright's character uses  to speak to Win's character in their BL series.

Win never thought Bright would use this in real life.

Bright himself was shocked at it came out of his mouth.

Win now went back to his teasing mood and laughed, "Kiss me till I drop? You couldn't do it. But maybe Jeff could."

Bright was taken over by jealousy again and this time he didn't think before his action. He went ahead and grabbed Win's face with both his hands and kissed him on the lips.

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