Chapter 14

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"Mom, Win and I have a confession." Bright had video called her because it was eating him up inside.

"I know." She smiled.

"What do you know?" He asked, confused.

"Bright, I am your mother. I can see and feel things. I know who and what my son likes." She smiled at Win now, who was sitting beside Bright on the call. Watching them both in a serious mood and together in the call, she had realized what Bright wanted to confess to her.

Bright was surprised that she knew.

"It is no surprise. The whole world knows the way you look at Win and how you feel about him. You were the only naive one. I was waiting for you to accept it yourself." She added.

"Mom, I am sorry." Bright thought she would be sad.

"Why are you sorry? I would love Win as my son-in-law. He cares for you so much. I also know he has feelings for you. Neither of you are good at hiding your feelings." She said.

"Mom, you always wanted a daughter-in-law and a grandchild. You always said that since I was a kid." Bright reminded her, seeing her completely different reaction to what he had expected.

"Silly boy, that was years ago. That was just talking. I wasn't being serious. Also things change over the years, Bright. I'm okay with you being gay and liking Win. I have no problem with it. In fact, no parent should ever have a problem with their child being gay. If they do, they should never have a child in the first place." She confessed her strong views.

"I love you, mom." Bright broke into tears.

Win held his hands and caressed his back to calm him down.

"See, this is love. How can I not be support love?" Bright's mom added.

She then said to Win, "I am so glad my naive son has finally realized and confessed to you."

Win smiled at her with tears in his eyes now.

It was emotional.

An hour later, they were both on bed.
"You know it was so hard for me all this time to resist myself. I always wanted to kiss you but had to keep my feelings in check all the time." Bright confessed.

Win blushed.

"But now I can do all of it to you." Bright turned towards him to get on top of him.

Win stopped him midway.
"No, the volcano is going to erupt tonight. I want to watch that."

"I'll pull the curtains towards the side. You can see it from the bed." Bright made his point.

He got up fast, ran to pull the curtains away to give Win a full view of the Mayon Volcano far away.

"Okay krub?" He asked.

Win nodded.

Bright then unbuttoned his shirt, getting ready to join Win in bed.

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