The Journey Starts

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'Quick. They must be here...' Alice mumbled as she pulled a hooded woman alongside herself.

'Relax Ali, must be here.' The hooded woman answered. Her voice was light and slightly excited. Alice nodded distractedly. She looked around and spotted James Potter standing near a huge ship. Beside him stood a man with light brown hair and blue-grey eyes.

Alice sighed and approached them, followed by the woman.

James smiled at them. The other nodded with a warm smile. 'Well, hello Ms. Prewett. Is that supposed to be your friend?' James asked politely.

Alice nodded. 'This is--'

'Lydia Rachel Everett.' The woman cut her off. She threw her hood back. The first thing that caught James' attention was her eyes.

They were the most beautiful color of emerald green he had ever seen. Almond-shaped and full of cheerfulness. Her hair was the darkest and richest of reds and waist-length. She was nearly 5'4. James towered above her.

For some reason, he thought that the name didn't suit her.

'James Potter.' He said and shook her tender hand with his own. She nodded. The other extended his hand.

'Remus Lupin.' He smiled. The woman smiled back. They shook hands. Alice sighed.

'Well, be good Li--Lydia. Please take care of her.' She hugged her friend. James nodded and smiled.

'By my estimation, we'll reach Hogwarts in a week. Ms. Everett can do her business there.' He said.

'Prongs' estimations are usually right.' Remus added. Alice raised an eyebrow.

'Nickname.' He told her. She nodded slowly.

Now, I must tell you. Lydia Rachel Everett was no true name. It was a fake name for Lily Rose Evans. She looked up at James Potter.

Emerald met hazel. She wasn't able to tear her eyes away from the pools caramel, golden and green in his eyes. His smile, it was crooked and bright. The kind which makes you smile back. The wind flew around them, ruffling their hair and clothes.

'Well Miss, the ship's just there.' He said, his eyes never leaving hers. She nodded slowly.

Though neither knew this, it was fate that brought them together and fate shall decide their future. It was true love. But both were too stubborn to admit it....

Alice stood back and watched as her friend followed Remus Lupin inside the ship. She turned to James.

'Take care of her, please.' She said, concern in her eyes. He smiled and nodded. 'I solemnly swear.' He said.

Alice waved them off before returning to her home.

Lily--or Lydia for now--looked around the cabin for herself. It was big and comfortable. A bed, wardrobe and some other important things were there. She dumped her bag on the bed.

Remus Lupin smiled.

'Tired, I guess?' He said knowingly. Lily nodded. 'How much did James ask, I mean the money.' He asked curiously.

'Thirty galleons.' She replied. Remus looked surprised. 'That's..strange. His rates are usually high. Like realy high.' He said. Lily shrugged.

'Oi! Moony! Where's the girl Prongs said would come--'

A guy with long black hair and grey eyes threw the door open. He blinked a few times.

'Uh..the girl?' He asked. Lily stood up and nodded.

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