Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Sanchi read the headline again, her heart clenching at the sight of the written black bold letters. Her eyes scanned the entire article, reading between the lines carefully, as she skimmed the surface of Vihaan's picture with her thumb.

By a staff reporter, Indore, 28th June 2014: Virendra S. Bundela, the commissioner regretfully expressed his disbelief over the detention of his son Vihaan S., who is an officer on probation in the department. The latter was arrested Friday morning on the charges of murdering a friend and physically assaulting a close relative.

After being shot by the accused, Aadhir Chaudhry, 26, died on the spot, and the sole witness to his murder was allegedly raped by the trainee officer, forcing her to keep silent.

Despite the fact that the young woman Maya (name changed) showed bravery by filing a complaint with the local police station, she still fears the devil in her assailant, according to the report.

Maya, 25, is said to have lived in the Bundela house since she was a child and had eventually grown to be Vihaan's close companion.

Vihaan and his friends were having a house party at the victim's home on Thursday evening when the incident occurred. As the sources cited, Aadhir and Maya were both present at the crime scene.

Before the CBI makes any further decisions, the accused officer has been suspended from his training and is being closely monitored by the agency.

"If I'm not mis-taken, the uniden-tified woman is meant to be Ash-na." Sanchi pondered her thoughts. "I had sus-pected Dheeraj bro before, but now I kn-ow the facts. According to Ashna, a bro-ther molesting another brother's wife is the same per-son, and she fabri-cated a story to con-fuse me."

"How do I get to the end of this mys-tery and find out wh-at the real story is?" Sanchi wondered as she flipped the pages to the next. She discovered some similar papers, including the fact that a total of three trials had taken place in the bureau's special custody.

The first was held on July 2nd, during which he was publicly charged, humiliated, and mocked before being taken away to the special court. The trial had ended in futility and a new date had been set.

The second one began on July 8th, when the victim's lawyer presented the pistol that Vihaan had used to shoot Aadhir. The second trial, too, ended without a verdict, and a new date was requested.

On the 18th of July, when the female victim's medical reports were submitted, the third and final trial seemed to be off to an unexpected start. Vihaan's DNA was found in the scratch marks on her body, according to one of the biopsy results.

As soon as she learned the final trial's verdict, Sanchi moaned in disbelief. On the front page, a broad and bright headline appeared —


By a staff reporter, Indore, 19th July 2014: The CBI's private bench issued its final verdict on Friday, finding ex-trainee officer Vihaan S. Bundela guilty of all charges alleged against him. His appeal will now be heard by the state's high court, and the local police will take him into custody.

After a careful review of all the facts gathered by the living victim's lawyer and in favor of Vihaan's capital punishment, a thoughtful decision was reached. The lawyer hammered the final nail in the coffin when he presented medical reports to the judicial bench, showing the charges to be accurate to the core.

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