Missed You

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A/N: So sorry for the late update!

The house was dark, a cold draft slipping in from the open window in the kitchen. A low and rough voice was muffled by a locked door, its room at the end of the eerie hallway. The light in the room leaked from under the door, the rest of the house bathed in shadows.

"She's already 17, can't ya just take her already? What's another year?"

A second voice surfaced, its tone stern. "You know exactly why we can't take her now. We have strict rules: age has to be 18 or over."
"This ain't what we agreed. If only ya had taken that woman I wouldn't have to be stuck with that brat."
"She was barely worth anything, too old and restless. But your daughter-"
"Jesus, don't call her that."
"She's worth a lot more than you can spend. It's become difficult to find young ones like her, especially after the incident that happened 3 years ago."

Y/N's father, Zethen, rubbed his eyes and grumbled out incoherent words. "I'm telling ya, she'll keep her mouth shut. That bitch knows she worth nothing. She's had all this time to run to anyone and tell them how her daddy hits her, but she hasn't. I've done it all, raised her like a dog who can't defy its owner. Taking her now won't be a problem."

The tall man bored his eyes into the other's, thoughts and decisions running through his twisted mind. His slender finger tapped on the wooden desk 3 times before he sighed, "You've never let us down and always sell us your best products. For you and all your hard work, I will think about it. Will you be able to hold the meetings here next week?"
"Of course, made sure she'll be nowhere near here."

The man nodded in satisfaction and headed for the door, "Send her to my son. Jason will....' take care' of her for you. He's been quite frustrated these past few months, he needs something to take it out on."
"Yeah yeah, alright."

Both men walked down the hall and at the same time, the front door opened. Y/N stumbled in, arms full of schoolbooks and a pizza box. Once her eyes landed on her father and the other familiar face, she hurriedly placed all her things on the kitchen counter and walked up to them. She bowed deeply, "Is there anything I can get for you?"

Zethen chuckled as he nudged the taller male, "Told ya, just like a dog." his voice was in a gruff whisper. Y/N stood straight and awaited orders, eyes trained in front of her.

"No need to worry, Doll. I was just stopping by to discuss something with your father. How have you been? I hope he's raising you well."

"Of course, I couldn't be happier. We're actually going to watch a movie for family night." Y/N smiled and laughed as she told the man what plans she had with her father, and how much she looked forward to it. Her performance was flawless, not one crack in her facade.

"That's good to hear." he smiled sweetly, raising a hand, and patted her head. His eyes had a certain glint in them when he looked into her E/C orbs, fingers traveling down to caress her cheek. Y/N stood there a little awkwardly, an unsettling feeling creepings its way up her spine as she felt his cold skin trace down to her collarbone.

"Yes, I will get back to you on that offer, Zethen. Keep up the good work until then." and he finally retracted his hand, walking to the front door. Once the sound of the lock clicking, Y/N let out a shaky breath. Before she could take a step, a greasy hand was clasped on her shoulder.

"You're such a good girl, aren't ya?"

Y/N froze, eyes staring holes into the ground as her father laughed out. She had no idea what was happening, all she did was what she was supposed to. That man was someone who she's learned to know from afar. Her father called him 'Boss', so she knew he was bad. Anyone who was associated with her father was bad, that was something Y/N was certain of. The only thing was that she didn't know how bad. Her father's life was always a mystery. Y/N watched as her father walked away into his room, closing and locking the door behind him.

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