Head In The Game

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Y/N sighed as she walked into the bathroom. Her body was drenched in sweat from practicing at the park before tryouts tomorrow. The hot water started to run as she took off her dirty clothes and tossed them in the hamper. She stepped in the shower and let the burning water soak her aching muscles. She groaned when she forgot to take off her bandages from her fingers, tearing it off and tossing it into the trashcan next to the sink. She scrubbed shampoo into her hair when a certain pain shot through her right knee. She winced as her hand was placed on the wall to prevent herself from falling. She knew she had overdid it today, especially since she skipped on her stretching. Y/N had been neglecting her knee brace, not wanting to wear it in public. But she knew she had too, especially with tryouts tomorrow. She finished her shower and put on an oversized shirt for sleeping.

A ring could be heard as she was brushing her teeth. She shivered when she walked out of the warm bathroom and made her way to the kitchen. She saw her phone lighting up, picking it up to see who messaged her.

The team is on a zoom call. Here's the link so you can join. We want to hear about your first day:)

Y/N had a huge grin on her face as she attempted to run to her room and get her laptop, but ended up stumbling on her injured knee. She groaned as she hopped to her room. She fumbled with her laptop and set it on her desk, at the same time snatching her knee brace from her closet. She hurriedly copied the link from her messages, since her phone and laptop were synched, and joined the call.

"Y/N-channnnn." voices greeted. Y/N laughed at Tanaka and Nishinoya, giving a big wave to her friends. Suga, Daichi, and Asahi were all together and shared a screen, as well as Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"I miss you guys." Y/N pouted at the screen.

"We miss you too. It's different without you here." Daichi told her, Asahi in tears as he nodded while Suga handed him tissues.

"Tell us about your first day." Kiyoko prodded, the team all nodding.

"I made a friend, I met her at the corner store not that far from my house. But she's a first year, so I don't see her for the majority of the day."

"Ohh what's her name?" Hinata asked as he rolled a volleyball in his hands.

"Shizuka Hori. She's also a starter on the volleyball team."

"What position does she play?" both Hinata and Kageyama asked.

"Setter." Y/N chuckled. Kageyama had a smirk on his face while Hinata pouted, probably another contest they had with each other.

"Are you going to try out Y/N-chan?" Yamaguchi asked in a small voice, not even sure if he was heard. Tsukishima was on his phone next to him, barely hearing the conversation.

"Yep, I try out tomorrow." she grinned.

"You've got this Y/N." Suga told as he threw a thumbs up, the rest of the team nodding their heads.

Y/N spent almost 3 hours talking with her friends. They had even managed to get Tsukishima to join in. She sighed out when she closed her laptop, wanting to talk for a little bit longer, but they said they could zoom again tomorrow.

Her knee started to act up again, groaning when she picked up her brace from the floor. She always hated wearing it, it was just so bulky. She slipped it on and clipped it closed. Her eyes wandered to her clock, it was 11 at night already.

"I still have time." she muttered, throwing on some sweats and shoes. Her hair was still wet but she didn't really care, walking out of the house as she put in her earbuds to listen to music. It wasn't too cold out, just soft wind that blowed.

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