89-In Person

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Khai's POV

"Hey Oscar?" I waved, but he was too busy looking at James to pay me any mind.

Oscar had Carmel skin and these light brown eyes, he was pretty charming. I see what James see's in him.

"Oh, hey Khai!" He smiled. James looked over at me and gave me a look.

"I'll uh be right back" he told me getting out the car. Everyone at school had already left so the campus was empty, James took Oscars hand and they intertwined like they held hands a million times.

A small grin grew on my face as I watched my best friend.

My phone rang, my phones been in the car all day, James and I always forget them I'm the car.

my boyfriend was calling. "Hey Noah, what's up?"

"Babe, Where are you? I'm at Your house waiting and your dad is giving me the death stare"

I chuckled and shook my head, "pass him the phone" I told him.

"Uh sir it's Khai" I heard my father snatch the phone out of his hand "Khai what is this boy doing in my house?"

I sighed and rubbed my face, "Daddy," I said in a tone, "please be nice to Noah" I begged. "He treats me well"

"Yeah well no boy is good enough for my daughter, so Noah you can leave"

"Dad!" I snapped, "I'll be there soon okay, James is doing something and I don't want to interrupt him. Please be nice"

"He can stay but Im not promising I'll be nice" the last thing he said before he hung up on me.

I looked back at the boys, their foreheads were touching and James was looking at Oscar. I put my fingers on my temple and rested my head on the window.

If my Uncle Niall was here he would be telling me to "record this shit" Like he used to do with Uncle Lou and Uncle Hazzy.

Yeah I still call him Uncle Hazzy, I did try calling him Uncle Harry once, but that was shut down very quickly. Haha.

I looked back at them and they were kissing, my jaw dropped, "holy shit" I slid back into my car-chair and bit my first. "Omg omg omg" I repeated.

A couple seconds later James jogged over to the car and hopped in, I had my AirPod Max-Pros listing to the EP my dad made with my Four uncles: Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam. I begged them to make an album a while back but they didn't have enough time, but the EP is good enough for now.

When I saw him hop in I pulled them out and looked at him, "You guys are cute as fuck bro" I told him.

He had the biggest smile on his face, "thanks Khai" he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Now uh let's get you home before your dad kills your boyfriend, yeah?" I giggled and nodded.

We stopped by at Darcy's school, but when we got to Charlie and Jayden's kindergarten they weren't there, they usually wait by the front of the school?

Uncle Haz probably picked them up. I looked down at James phone and saw a couple miss calls from him. "Probably just telling me he picked them up" I told him

"Yeah, I'll call him back later"

"So are you two official?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said awkwardly, "for uh 6 months now..."

My head snapped in his direction, "your shitting with me right?" He shook his head and made a left turn.

"How could you keep something like that from me! Not the gay part but the part about you finding someone!?"

"I didn't know how you would react...l

"James I don't care if you're gay, straight trans I'll always love you— yes I just semi quoted your dad, but that's not the point, I'm just sad you didn't trust me enough to tell me your dating someone"

"I-I do trust you K, I just... you've been going though so much shit right now, especially after-"

"Don't" I stopped his from finishing his sentence and shaked Away the memory.

He looked down at his weal as we stopped at the red light, "Khai... I shouldn't have kept this from you, I should've told you about Oscar, I don't even know why I kept it from you, it's not that I'm ashamed of being with Oscar or anything"


"But, with everything going on with you I thought it would be too much. I promise I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how, I haven't even said I'm bi out loud yet"

"Y-you just did I-"

"Huh I guess I did, but how the hell was I supposed to tell you I had a boyfriend?!"

"Here's an idea: hey Khai, my best friend for 17 years. This is my boyfriend Oscar" he smiled and we got to my house,

"Hey Noah" James said giving him a "bro hug" "Hey Uncle Zee" he waved over my dad who waved back.

"James!" My mum squealed running over and throwing her arms around him, "how are you doing baby!"

"I'm doing good Auntie" he smiled.

"Anyone special I'm your life?" She smirked, James tried to hide his blush but did a horrible job at it. "There is!" She gasped

"There might be, but don't tell my dads"

"Your secret is safe with me honey, don't worry" she gave him one more hug before walking over to my dad.

A couple minutes later my dads phone rang his cup slipped out his hand and he looked directly at James. "James, Khai. Car. Now" he ordered.

"Dad was is it?" I asked.

"Car! Now! Let's go"

"Y-yes sir" James stuttered, Gigi followed behind him as he unlocked the car. "Uncle Zee what happened?" James asked.

"Your brothers were in a accident, they are in the hospital"

"What?!" The three of us yelled, Noah took my hand and squeezed it, "how long have they been there"

No answer

"How fúcking long!" James snapped, he's never sworn in front of my parents, I've never seen him this way. The only time I've seen him this mad was- never mind.

"4 hours" my dad told him.

"Why didn't they call me!?"

"They did James... you never answered, none of us did"

My stomach flipped around, James and I left our phones in the car.

When we got to the hospital James saw his brother on the hospital bed with an intubation tube down his throat, "oh my god" he fell into my arms and cried. My dad held Darcy as she sobbed
- - -

Ah shit here we go

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