66- In-Person

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Louis POV

"He fucking slept with that bitch!" I yelled, Zayn and Liam, both froze. "She was just there! And Harry was drunk! HE WAS DRUNK!"

"Lou-" Liam started before Zayn cut him off.

"Where is this piece of shit!" Zayn yelled, getting his car keys.

"He's probably still at the house" I cried.

"and the kids are with his parents, right?" I nodded, "Great, I'll be right back" He got up and walked tot he door.

"Where are you go-" Before I could finish, he walked out of his house and into his car, I walked over to the couch and collapsed into Liam's arms. "H-how could he do that to me."

"I don't know Lou."

Zayn's POV

I go in my car and drove to Harry and Louis' house. I knocked on the door and waited for Harry when he opened it, I launched at him and talked him to the floor. I shut the door with my foot and punched his face. "You piece of shit!" I yelled.

"Let me explain!" He cried. I got off him, and he walked to the bathroom to clean his face, I followed behind.

"Being drunk isn't an excuse, Harry!" I snapped.

"I wasn't going to say that! I did a fucking drug test Zayn; the bitch drugged me!" He yelled. "And now I have a fucking black eye!"

"Louis has been my best friend for forever! If I found out the love of his life cheated on him, I won't hesitate to fuck up their face! I don't care if your Harry fucking styles, you hear me?!" I yelled, throwing hin at the wall.

"She drugged me Zayn" He cried. "I didn't know what I was doing! and the things I remember" He started, "Fucking terrifies me mate."

"Jesus stop crying" He collapsed into my arms and cried into my shirt.

"I didn't mean to" He sobbed, I don't know why but I felt... bad for him, I patted him on the back, and he pulled away, "You got to believe me" He ran to his room and came back with a drug test paper. "See!"

"Shit," I said under my breath.

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