90- In Person

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A/N: This chapter might break ur heart. You've been warned✨
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Harry POV

"D-dad, I'm so sorry, I should've had my phone when you called me. I just left it in the car and got distracted after school-"

"You had one job, take care of the kids while we are at work!" I yelled.

"excuse me?!"

"Are you kidding me right now? So this is my fault! Yeah, because I obviously have fucking control if someone gets a heart attack!" I snapped back, "none of this is my fault, dad! None of it!"

"I go to school! I get good grades; I do everything you both ask of me! And my brothers get into an accident, and it's suddenly my fault?! What sense does that make!"

Khai placed her hand on James' shoulder and squeezed it; he pushed her arm away and stormed off the room. "What the hell Uncle Haz?" Khai mumbled before running after him.

Niall walked over to me and pulled me aside. "Why'd you do that?" He asked. "You can't put that on James."

"I didn't mean to say that. It just slipped out," I explained, "I'm under a lot of pressure right now, Niall."

"Yeah, I know that. But blaming James for what happened to his brothers— why would you do that?"

"I don't know!"

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James changed 'My little secret🤍' to Oscar

James: dad says it's my fault

Oscar: it's not your fault, James

Oscar: he's just stressed; that's all

James: Yeah, well, he shouldn't blame me for shit I didn't do

Oscar: I know. Do u want me to come over?

James: we are still at the hospital, but yeah u can

Oscar: ok, I'll be there soon

James: thanks

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I looked up and saw Khai standing by the corridor "hey" she sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder, "you know it's not your fault, right"

"Yeah, I know" I mumbled.

10 minutes later.

Oscar: Hey, I'm here. Where are you guys

James: I'll come to get u stay where u are

"I'll be right back, K" I stood up and walked to the front door. "Hey Scar" he gave me a small smile. My eyes were still red and puffy from crying.

"J..." he walked over and pulled me into a hug as I let my head rest on his shoulder. "I got you" he whispered, rubbing my back.

"Everything hurts" I told him as tears rolled down by cheeks.

"I-I know, it'll be okay. I promise"

"You promise?" I asked pulling Away, he rubbed my cheeks with his thumb and nodded.

"Promise" I hugged him again.

"James?" My two dads ask; I quickly pulled away from Oscar and wiped my tears away.

I cleared my throat, "Hey, dads."

"Who's this?" My green eyes, dad asked.

"Oscar, my... friend."

"Nice to meet you, Sir" he smiled; that was his fake smile. my dad grind and pulled me aside.

"Why did you invite your friend?" He asked.

"Because I needed someone to comfort me after my dad blamed me for my brother's accident," I told him,

"I didn't mean it like that; you know that"

"Do I? Because you sounded pretty serious, dad! I mean, you two expect me to do everything! I get your jobs to take over a lot, and you can't make as much time for us as you wish, but you can't put everything on me!"

"I thought after being out of my life when I was younger would have made you want to connect with your other kid's dad"

"They got lucky to have you from the beginning"

"And you know like father like son, right? Maybe if you picked up your phone 17 years ago I would've had my dad in the beginning instead of some fucking stranger"

"dad I-"

"I think your friends waiting for you" he walked off with my dad in the other direction leaving me.

"What did I do?" I thought out loud.

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