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Niall: Liam, I'm freaking out. Darcy is throwing up and she has a high fever! I don't want to bother Harry and Louis cuz this is their first night out I'm so long! HELP

Liam: Ok niall, call down. I'm on my way

Niall: ok ok


James: ur mums a doctor right??

Scar: yes... why?

James: my sister, she's really sick, Scar. I'm scared I don't know what to do.

Scar: I'm on my way


Harry: Hey Ni, Lou and I were thinking of going to the fair, how are the kids? Do they need us?

Niall looked over at James who was trying to comfort his little sister while Khai put the kids to sleep.

Niall: they are good, just put them to bed :) go have fun with ur man

Harry: alright then. Thanks again Niall

Niall: anytime!


Scar: I'm here but security won't let us in

James: shit Okay. I'll be out in a sec



James got his hoodie and slipped it on, he ran to the mirror and fixed his hair. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "Er, uh nothing. My uh- Scar- Oscar is coming over. His mums a doctor and she's going to help Darcy" James explained.

"Uh huh, that's why you want to look nice. Okay" I squinted my eyes. "I'm gonna go now" He zoomed out the room. I walked over to Darcy and rubbed her back. "How you holding up champ"

"I want Papa" she cried, "Is Darcy going to be okay?" Noah asked. "She's going to be just fine," I reassured. Not even a minute later James walked in with who I assumed was Oscar and his mother. I smirked at James and he sent me a glare.

"Where's the little one?" Oscars mother asked. "Right over here" I showed her to Darcy and she got to work. "This is the first time I've been in your house" I heard Oscar whisper to James. "How about I show you my room?"

"Scar! Hey!" Khai smiled hugging the boy. "How you been?"

"I've been good. How about you!"

An hour later

"She has the flu" Oscar's mother explained. She said a lot of Doctor words before my phone buzzed.


Harry: hey mate, Lou and I are coming back!

Niall: all right. See u soon :))))


"Thank you so much for the help!"

"Anytime" she smiled shaking my hand, she headed for the door while Oscar stayed behind. "You coming sweetie?"

"Is it okay if I stay? James and I have a school project to work on" Oscar explained. "I don't see why not, I'll see you at home" she walked out and James and Oscar walked upstairs with Khai following behind.

A couple minutes later

Darcy was resting on Liam's lap as I cleaned up when Harry and Louis opens the door. She shot up and looked at them. "Papa" she yawned, Louis walked over and picked her up. "What happened?" Louis asked me. "She has the flu... but a doctor came and she'll be fine"

"Why didn't you call us?" Harry asked running Darcy hair. "You and Lou and never get out anymore, and I new I could handle it"

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