Chapter Fifty Three

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Clarke POV

I wake up with a stretch and a yawn. Before I open my eyes I make sure I take a moment to appreciate the stillness around me. I finally open my eyes and stifle a scream when I see Jaha holding Lexa with a knife to her throat. She's been crying. There's clearly something terribly wrong if Lexa has been openly crying in front of her enemy.

I sit up slowly and put my hands in the air showing that I'm unarmed and can't hurt him.
"You must join the city of light Clarke or your precious little girlfriend will die" he says
My breathing hitches and I hold back tears at these words but I keep my composure and reply "Am I currently speaking to Thelonius Jaha or ALIE"
"It's me Jaha"
"Bullshit! ALIE you can't hurt Lexa she has the blood of the first commander. She is a direct descendant of Becca Pramheda, your creator"
"You're lying just so you can try and save her" he splutters back
"I can prove it. Just pass me the knife"
"There's no way I'm giving you this knife. I can do it" he replies as expected
"You can't risk it because what if I'm right and she does have the blood? Then you'll have betrayed Becca"
"That's a well thought out argument Clarke, you have only forgotten one detail. I've already betrayed Becca. I need ALIE 2 and I know where it is" finally I am speaking to ALIE directly.
Jaha removes the knife from Lexa's neck, slashes her across the face and throws her onto the ground. It is at this moment that I realise that I hadn't undressed before I fell asleep on Lexa's bed but Lexa clearly had taken off her commander clothes. I'm wearing my shoulder piece and they think she's a peasant. I think Lexa realised too because she quickly hides the black blood coming from her face.
Jaha lunges at me and shoves me to the ground. Man he is stronger than I realise and since he can't feel pain there's nothing I can do. He lays me face down on the ground and puts his foot on my back to stop me. I look over at Lexa, she's crying and mouths to me 'I'm sorry'. He lifts up my hair and makes an incision on the back of my neck. I scream as he pushes his boot further into my back.

"She's not the one" Jaha yells

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