Chapter Four

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Lexa POV

My draw drops and tears fill my eyes at the sight of Clarke. Her eyes are wide with shock from the knife petruding from stomach. My mouth goes dry and I can't seem to make a single sound. The shock from her face disappears and she looks incredibly weak. It doesn't shock me when she collapses on the ground. I rush over to her and catch her before she hits the ground. She smiles at me and gives me a small nod, letting me know that she will be okay while I deal with Titus.

I stand up straight, wipe all emotions from my face and turn to face Titus. His face is smug and completely content with his actions. Fury bubbles within me.

I am just about to fight Titus when I remember his teachings. If there is anyway to one up your opposition in a battle, do that as opposed to hand to hand combat. There is a knife in the room.

I glance over to Clarke, still on the floor but now being tended to by Octavia. I have to do this. It's the only way to win. I stride over to her and crouch down beside her. I place my hand on the handle of the dagger and look into Clarke's eyes, waiting for consent. She nods.

"I'm sorry for this hodnes (love)"

I rip the dagger from Clarke's stomach and she let's out a pained whimper but tells me with her eyes that she will be fine and to sort Titus first.

Turning back to Titus I notice that he seems less arrogant now that I have something over him.

I lunge at him being careful to not adhead to all of the tricks that I was taught when I was taught to fight with a dagger. Titus, being my teacher would easily win this fight otherwise.

We fight until I can feel the fatigue in my arms and legs and there is sweat pouring down my face. I have got in a few solid hits and swipes with my blade but not enough to finish the fight. So has Titus. At one point he managed to take my own hand and slash me with the dagger I was still clutching tightly.

It gets to the point where Titus looks over to Clarke and visibly look happy with what he has done and I lose it completely. I attack fast and hard, Titus is too distracted fawning over his masterpiece to block fast enough and falls back onto the floor. I pin him down and hold the knife to his neck.

"Yu gonplei e ste odon (your fight is over)" I mutter to him between breaths.

"No it's not. You can't kill me, I am the only fleimkepa" Titus retorts with a smirk

He's right. I can't kill him. Not until he trains a new fleimkepa. But that doesn't mean I am going to let what he did slide.

"Guards!" I yell and they burst in immediately.

"Take Titus here to the dungeon. I will be down to sort him out later. In the mean time do not give him any food or water. Also I would like you to find a young adult that has the ability to be trained as fleimkepa"

The guards nod and then leave with Titus. Thank god that's over. My muscles are screaming with fatigue. I watch the guards leave and stare at the empty space where they were thinking about what I am going to do when a voice breaks my thoughts.

"Lexa." It's Octavia. She sounds distressed.

I turn and rush over to her and Clarke. A pool of blood is surrounding them. Clarke is looking very weak, her eyes barely open.

"Don't you give up on me" I whisper to her, tears filling my eyes.

"I'm not" she replies weakly.

After this her eyes close and she loses consciousness. No. I can't lose Clarke too. I let my emotions show and cry. I get on my knees and cradle Clarke, my tears falling on her face. I can't lose her. Please.

I sob until I notice she is still breathing. She's alive!

I do not know much about medicine but I do know that we need to stop her bleeding now or she will die. So I grab the dagger and hold it in the flame of one of my candles until it is flowing red. I then walk over to Clarke and place it over her wound to seal the area. She remains unconscious but winces with the pain.

She should be fine now so I take her head and put in on my lap and comb her hair with my fingers, waiting for her to wake up. I let a few tears slip from my face occasionally.

Writer note: hey! So I got my first reads.. Thats awesome. I honestly thought no one was gonna read this. I don't even know if it's any good. If you read this could you let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

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