Chapter 1 - Sunshine

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Nicole's POV

Ah yes, summer vacation is right around the corner. It means weeks off from school for the kids, warm weather and pondering about leaving the house or not. Vacation is a word which isn't written well in my mind's dictionary, as those weeks used to only increase my stress. But it's fine. Everything is fine. I started going back to work a month after the... disaster... and actually felt a bit relaxed. Yoshida went easy on my task amount and offered me a proper holiday for the first time. Darn, it's been a long time since I've genuinely had one of those as my shifts overarched almost every entire year. I mean, of course I understand that due to me being the only one providing for my household, but I was beyond surprised when my boss seemed to be so compassionate. Me being one of the Rainbow Factory's best employees is a fact, so I guess he did not want to lose me another time.

But goshdarnit, Elmore is such a confusing town to live in... Donut Sheriff hadn't shown up in a long time and no one seemed to check my behaviour like before. As if... they forgot or avoided me... Could that be? Are they all scared? Does everyone really know about my past crimes? Do they know... about my issue?

Oh dear, bet that hasn't left me... It's a condition bound to haunt my bones till I take my final breath. But should I be worried? It's been more than six months since my fangs had even elongated, mostly because I finally started putting effort into remembering to take in the Arthrus, a medical herb that functions as temporarily antidote. I have deep regrets about the past, but Richard told me many times that I need to let go of it. The past isn't changeable. I tried to fix as much as I could and all seemed to quite have gone back to its usual. But something slightly throbs in my head... And no, it's not one of the zillion headaches I've had before.

Now I come to think of it, only the law enforcement and a few individuals truly know about the... so-called Upper Limit... that lives inside me. The Wilsons soon went quiet after I viciously hospitalized their father and they never dared to get near us again. But they aren't the ones I should worry about, nor Carrie or my therapist... It's Penny who I started to worry about. She seemed so timid lately while everyone else in fact started getting hyped for summer vacation. What is going through that fairy right now?

I feel so ashamed for having let savagery unfold that night again. I even have to force myself not to gag when I recall foraging on my family members, Darwin specifically. It was an extremely foolish action from me which resulted in both my sons' girlfriends getting involved... and them having to face a wretched monster. To my surprise, that viciousness could be tamed by spoken words. Spoken words by Penny and not a single leaf of Arthrus was involved... How did she do that? She seemed powerful yet terrified...

But how she heartbrokenly looked me in the eye while I was at my ultimate worst, she now doesn't dare to make any eye contact at all anymore... What should I do? Just... enrol with it and wait? She promised not to tell anyone...


General POV

Monday 3.00PM – Elmore Boulevard

[The sun shines brightly in the cloudless sky and indicates summer season has arrived again, without the temperature even being boiling yet. Lots of Elmore citizens wander on the streets while occasionally entering various shops for their holiday expenditures. Among the colourful silhouettes and sunglasses, four known figures are on their way to a stand they expect to visit often. A bright red, folded roof gives away that it's the most wanted service under the warm sun; ice cream! A legged goldfish is the first one to step forward and order a frozen treat for each of his three companions from Larry. Once the blue kitten, yellow fairy and pink flower received their ice creams as well, the four take their pace towards the end of the street.]

Gumball: Yo! Only two weeks of school left, guys!

Darwin: Heh, you bet I'm ready for another Zelmore binge!

Leslie: Yeah. Now I think about it, time has flown!

Darwin: Do you have any plans for the summer, Leslie?

Leslie: I definitely do! Nothing better than visiting the one and only summer collection catwalk in Minnesota. A dream come true for a fashion boy like me. [Chuckles]

[Gumball raises an eyebrow, but reminds himself to stay polite when Darwin gives him a glare.]

Gumball: Cool! Eh... you do you, dude.

[Leslie chuckles again as he knows Gumball doesn't have any interest at all, but still smiles at the kitten.]

Leslie: What about you then? Are you two seriously gonna spend those whole eleven weeks behind a screen?

Gumball: I- Uhm...

Darwin: Mrs. Mom won't allow that. Besides, it's up to her and Mr. Dad if we're going on a trip.

Gumball: Yeah, that reminds me; Mom told she'd have a summer vacation for the first time.

Leslie: Woah, that's something new. But I bet she deserves it!

Darwin: Yeah. But with that said, Gumball, we might as well not make anything too complicated for her.

Gumball: O-of course. T-there's no way I'd want to get in trouble though.

[Gumball grits his teeth when memories about months ago rise within him and suddenly searches for the opportunity to change the subject. Realizing Penny had been quiet all the time, he turns to her and tries giving a reassuring smile. Penny shyly raises her head while having her hands nervously folded together after finishing her ice cream.]

Gumball: Pen? Are you alright?

Penny: Y-yes... I'm fine.

Gumball: Are you sure about that? You know you can tell me anything, right? Unless you prefer talking about it in private...

Penny: N-no, it's just... I- I kind of struggle with processing...

Gumball: Processing what?

[Penny lowers her head again and her glow becomes slightly dull as her wings fold themselves up. Leslie, immediately noticing his cousin feeling uneasy, steps closer and puts a leaf around her shoulder.]

Leslie: Oh honey, I really thought you were doing well today. Do you want to talk about it later perhaps?

Penny: It's something I c-can't really... [Glares at Gumball] ...tell. I'm sorry.

Leslie: Don't worry, you don't have to. Just remember I'm here for you.

Gumball: [Awkwardly] Y-yeah, I- I'm here for you too, Penny.

[Leslie shakes his head and steps aside in order to let Gumball hug her.]

Darwin: Now, are we still going to the hills or not?

Gumball: Yeah, yeah, bro. Let's go!

[Gumball gently takes Penny's hand and both share a smile before taking their pace again.]

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