Chapter 12 - Felis Catus

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[The blue feline gets up from the counter's stool and wanders towards the window after having read 1AM on the clock. The dark clouds didn't disappear yet, but there doesn't seem to be any rain. She stares blankly at the shed at the other side of the grass and can't help but gulp when she remembers everything that happened there as well... But no matter how guilty she still feels for all those past disasters, tonight's reveal didn't do well at all. Her parents knew she would be sick all along... and thought their expectations would prevent any triggers for it to unfold...

Sure, it's true that none of her childhood events were a huge trigger for the Upper Limit, but still... It wasn't any fun and she believes she could've been way happier if she were able to enjoy those years. She then only concludes how lucky she is with Richard. That cute fluffy bunny... The only one to get to know the real me...

Nicole's attention then suddenly gets caught by a housecat crossing over on the garden's fence. The blue feline straightens her back and stares at the little creature which resembles a feral part of her. It briefly catches Nicole's eyes inspecting its white fur and keeps still for a moment, only to tilt its head a bit. Nicole can't help but clatter her teeth the next second, giving a feral signal that she didn't expect she was even capable of. While the tall, bipedal feline keeps staring into the green eyes of the small, quadruped one, she enters the backyard and approaches.

Not having much control over her current behaviour, she lets herself lower onto all fours and embraces the white cat rubbing its scent onto her arm. Nicole had never seen the cat before, nor did it look like any of the other neighbourhood housecats she encountered. But something makes her think of the past... Its bright white fur... Deep, green eyes... Nicole can't help but think of the large white cat from the Big Cat Rescue Park she eventually revisited a year ago. It was her main location to escape as a kid whenever she'd feel overwhelmed or scared... But then it hits her... A memory that almost completely disappeared from her mind... I've been scared before, a long time ago...

Thursday 10.00PM 1983

The sun set and evening fell. Only wind blowing through the trees outside gave a sign of life in the rather obnoxious atmosphere. Despite it not even having been that late, not a single soul could be found on the streets as everyone seemed like sheltering themselves in their own homes. A small blue kitten had to do her best to fight through the uneasiness of this day, even though nothing bad had happened at all. No matter how tired she felt, she couldn't sleep yet. How she first had been browsing through her drawing albums, the eight year old decided to try getting some shut eye anyways. She swung her legs over the border of her bed and took her pace towards the bathroom while she kept her shoulders high. The blue kitten sniffled her nose as soon as she climbed onto the stool to reach the sink, being too small to do it herself. She grabbed her toothbrush and did nothing but the usual after she spread a bit of paste onto it.

But as soon as she assumed she was ready, she suddenly winced by an electrifying pain rushing through her gums. While gasping, she tried to force herself not to cry by her now bleeding teeth. She feared she might had brushed them too harshly, but strongly refused to assume that was the issue. The little cat bent a bit forward to inspect her maw in the mirror, and immediately saw what was up. She suddenly received six fangs, that had grown within seconds after she only lost her premature teeth shortly ago. She gasped again and couldn't believe it. There hadn't been anything but small corners surrounded by gums earlier that day... and now out of a sudden... she had fully grown adult fangs. Adult, but only in their earlier stages, she assumed from their still rough surface.

Having been able to tolerate the pain eventually, she rinsed her mouth with water and hoped no issues would came to be regarding her teeth anytime soon as she dried her face with a towel. But once she wanted to turn around and return to her room again, something unsettled her once she switched off the light. While shaking her head, assuming she had been hallucinating a bit, she closed her eyes for a brief moment. Was that real what she just saw? She held her head tightly and took a deep breath before opening her eyes again, only to see everything was normal again. Trying her best to process but not think too much about it at the same time, the little blue feline closed the door and changed into her pyjamas as soon as she entered her own room again.

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