Chapter 21 - Selfish creature

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There was a wolf. Another one. But why did I tear it apart again?

The pack fled once they saw their leader's remnants lifeless on the ground. The sky had continued darkening and heavy mist spiked up, turning the feline beast's surroundings colder and grim. She remembers having fallen to the mossy underground after brutally murdering the second canine and her body had another moment of sudden powerlessness. Her eyes are closed and her nose twitches as soon as the cold mist gets denser, giving her rough and long fur a shiny look. Through her completely demolished clothing it can be seen how terrible her physical system is doing. Her ribs expanded so widely, every single one can be counted through the now thinner flesh and skin, while her spine began piercing through it on her back. It doesn't stop bleeding due to the muscle not getting a chance to morph back into its healthy state by the bone slicing through like knives.

It's a surprise to non-supernatural kind that the feline is still alive. But her having survived and endured the worst by far doesn't imply that her pain isn't continuously dreadful. She's stuck in a cycle of increasing agony, the main reason why her body never found immunity. But how much longer can it go on? Her condition cursed her with growing keratin from within her bones and teeth, yet it seems like her skin and muscle can't grow further anymore... She knows she's getting close to taking her final breath. But when?

Will her family mourn once she passes? Will they ever find her?

What if they don't? What if their fear has eventually taken over? Like how monstrosity took over her...

Nicole's eyes feel heavy when she opens them, but once they widen after not recognizing the forest being around her anymore, she concludes it's her mind doing its usual. Making her feel worse. Making her lose hope. Tampering with her through nightmares... Isn't that what the Upper Limit does?

The feline finds herself in an odd state, surrounded by nothing but a red void. She sees how some parts of her anatomy seem in their transformed state, while the others are normal. Her eyes are white, the pupils black, and her saber-sized fangs seem to be absent. Though her posture is shifted, with long arms, rough fur and her usual teeth are sharper than they should be.

"What is this about?"

She squints her eyes while trying to get a hold of her environment, finding out she's floating in it. The red smoke that fades in and out reminds her of fire... Something a part of her feared. A part of her. Not that she had any trouble with handling the element in her everyday life, but... The flames, hypnotic and beautiful they might seem, their light radiates a sense of danger. Danger towards the individual looking at them.

"Is this all a sign? What if fire is the power Hana had spoken of...?"

"Fire isn't a power..."

Nicole's heart sinks and she turns around once a reflective, mirror-looking flame catches her attention. It wasn't there before and the cat feels tears evolving in her eyes once she processed where the voice came from.

"Fire represents powerlessness. Often used in obsessive ways by people to live, defend and destroy... simply because they can't do it on their own. Without fire, they're nothing..."

Nicole's ears lower further to the back of her head as she sees her reflection in the flame change. Like in a dream she had a long time ago, her face in the reflection morphs into its Upper Limit state. Just like when she heard it 'speak' for the first time.

"W-what is it that you're trying to tell me...? These clues are too vague for me..."

"There are no clues, Nicole. This is simply the last moment of us being two entities apart..."

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