Chapter 26 - MagoCats

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"You're the last feline with the phenomenon of owning MagoCat genes."

Nicole's gasping caused her wounded shoulder to shiver briefly and she has to grit her teeth once again to bare the pain, before being able to open her eyes again.

"What genes...?"

"MagoCats. It all comes from thousands of years ago, back when feline creatures such as yourself hadn't started walking on their hind legs yet. They were a unique species living in a tribal environment, without being affiliated with big cats such as tigers or lions. Your condition was part of them, without it having been a sickness yet back then. MagoCats were known for living in large troops that would often battle against each other to obtain land, which became rare once their habitats were taken away by newer species. Evolution caused them to develop a power, allowing each MagoCat to transform into a more 'advanced' version of themselves to succeed more easily in battle. This version only contained larger fangs, increased agility and slight overall growth, and was completely in control without any issues coming to be."

"I-is that what my monstrous form is based on...?"

"It goes way further than that... Once the MagoCats started evolving into anthropomorphic felines such as yourself, the power began dying out and became extremely rare as it wasn't a necessary trait anymore. Generations went on until the Mago-genes seemed completely absent, only for it to develop into a dreadful sickness. The Senicourt bloodline is where it came to a peak. Not a single case of the monstrous condition had been so bad before as with some of the cats in that family... your family. But because of the modern feline's different structure, none of the condition's victims survived, not even longer than a first transformation. None survived long... except for you. The condition had become so terrifically bad on you that you morphed into something beyond what the MagoCat's power originally was."

"I- I..."

"Yours evolved into the growth of up to eight feet on all fours, an unusual case of supernatural elements, bulletproof system and a terrible, voracious and cannibalistic urge driving you on."

"I thought you enjoyed that... That last part..."

"I let it take over me, cat. There was no way for me to fight it as I became one with it. And again, all to keep you safe..."

"I- I don't know what to say... I w-won't be able to process this... for a while."

"A while is too much time for what you have left..."

"G-gosh n-no... This can't be it... This can't be it, please! THIS CAN'T BE IT!"

"If you keep your mouth shut, it won't hurt as much as you're only making it worse now. You claimed you already saw this coming, yet I know well now how quick and often you change your mind..."

"Not so surprising when there's a DREADFULLY MANIPULATIVE AND ABUSIVE ENTITY STUCK INSIDE, don't you think...?"

"Rebel all you want. I've given you information you couldn't have discovered on your own and this is the thanks I get?"

"I'm not talking about the backstory! I'm talking about the horrible life I've suffered because of you... It won't ever leave my head. Those regrets, those memories, those emotions... You. You won't ever leave my head. You never did."

The blue feline then doesn't get the chance to await for what her entity was possibly gonna say next, as soon as a familiar voice calling out her name triggers her ears that rise immediately. The pink leporid feels as lucky as he is when he's able to encounter his wife on the same spot where she was expected to hit the ground and rushes towards her without hesitation. Tears are formed in his eyes when he kneels down next to her and she has to force herself not to shudder when emotions strike her as well. She lifelessly stays flat on the ground, having shrunken back to her own size, while covered in scars and unhealed slits that reflect on the physical damage her body had to take once more. Richard tries to be as careful as he can when gently touching both her cheeks with his paws, staring into her frightened white eyes as tears flow from both of theirs.]

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