Chapter 31 - Emerging absolution

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[Outside light sneaking through the openings in the curtains revealed a brighter summer afternoon than those of the past few days, with them having been consistently cloudy. The light gives a vibrant ambient to the hospital room, of which the fully white furniture makes everything seem even brighter. But despite the increased light on this day normally being enough to awaken any snoozing soul, the blue feline does not express any sign of life. She sits upright in a medical bed, completely still with only the fabric of her gown simultaneously moving along with her slow breathing. Her eyes are opened and don't really blink much, almost as if she's frozen in time. But that obviously isn't the case. She can't remember for how long she had been sitting like this, but it's also been a while since a nurse came checking on her. Her body seems as if it's in a sort of trance, but her mind on the other hand is far from as peaceful. Racing thoughts and undecipherable noise run through her head. She doesn't even know what she's supposed to feel, supposed to think, and can't recall if she experienced this before. Everything around her feels and seems blurry, with variously colored patches of mist floating around. She feels nothing. She only hears the soft beep of her heartrate monitor distortedly, as if it's underwater or far away. But it's in fact right next to her. Next to her bed and next to the device that provides her with intravenous infusion. She can't even remember any of the doctors attaching that cable to her. Then, what does she remember?

Oh, the majority of memory in fact did not get lost.

"So... what now?"

Nicole's pupils tremble for a brief second when that voice became the first genuinely audible thing inside her head. That deep, rough and obscure voice. Familiar voice.

"What's going on...? Where have I been?"

"Don't worry about it. Time has passed during the time we've been as knocked out as we were. Or... are. Depending on how you feel."

"I literally have no idea what you're talking about. It feels as if I just woke up, yet... I can't feel anything at all."


"I know I'm sitting still, in this room... this room which I haven't been able to recognize for a while. But I can't feel anything. Am I still alive? I assume I am... But it feels as if I'm elsewhere..."

"Elsewhere? That sounds abstract, especially coming from your mouth."

"Yes, elsewhere. I don't feel 'here'. I don't feel... like me... Oh, what does it matter anyway."

"It does matter. I'm messing with you anyway. I know exactly what's going on."


"We're finally having an opportunity to talk properly again. But this time, we've closed off all distractions around us. For clearance. For safety. Nothing to be alarmed of really. It's something our mind has developed over the years of sharing the physical system with a dreadful condition, but I didn't expect to be able to reach you during an occurrence like this."

"Do you mean... I've been doing this before then?"

"You most certainly can't remember or weren't aware during other times, but yes. I don't doubt it, and remember I've been with you for longer than you can remember."

"Gosh... It's a lot what happened, isn't it..."

"True, but do you really want to go back and recall it all?"

"You don't, I assume?"

"No... Preferably not."


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