Chapter 6 - Blood

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[Nicole, only having slightly recovered from her former constant aches, doesn't see any hope for her body to strengthen itself any longer as she only starts trembling heavier, while barely being able to prevent her upper body from hitting the floor. She's sitting on her knees with her arms spread in front of her to keep support as she wanted to try getting up again. But this plan completely shatters when more blood starts rising up in her throat and she has no choice but to spit it all out. How blood only dripped from her mouth first, it now floods from her jaws in heavy amounts, and soon enough, remains of a known plant can be recognized in the red puddle.

The blue feline's eyes widen in fear when she realizes it's the Arthrus she took in shortly after dinner, with it not having had the chance to get into her veins. After spitting out one last gallon of blood, she raises her head to look at the shelled fairy in front of her and her voice has turned terrifically raspy.]

Nicole: [Coughs] How DARE YOU... PUNCH A WOMAN!

[Patrick stares at her with both a shameful and slightly disgusted expression, as her mouth and jaw are drenched in blood. Fear starts welling up by her yelling and he slowly picks up his revolver, which was laying on the floor. Nicole's ears can't lower themselves any further or Patrick continues approaching her while having a finger on the trigger.]

Nicole: What are you gonna do to me...? Wasn't this... enough?!

Patrick: No, please! I... I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean-


[Nicole lets out a harsh cough while letting her head hang for a second, only to then raise it again and growl sharply.]


[Patrick freezes in his steps and is about to put away his gun again, but hesitates when he notices...

... the blue feline's fur getting rougher and longer. Nicole only has to gaze one more time at the bloody pieces of Arthrus leaves in front of her to feel doomed. Her heartbeat increases its speed, even though it already was close to reaching its limit. But now both her body and mind have once again reached it... The limit. The cat's trembling causes her to feel nothing but fear as tears start forming in her eyes. It's been half a year... No matter how badly she doesn't want to get used to it, she actually wished she had enough tolerance to handle this agony. But this isn't another meltdown like she used to have years ago. It's not plain rage she eventually started to use. It's the Upper Limit growing stronger every time a trigger occurs. With every time her eyes start glowing and her fangs elongate, it only feeds itself on the cat's powerlessness as she gives in to the dark side...

Patrick's eyes widen when he sees huge rips evolving in Nicole's uniform as her entire body grows, together with her six long and sharp fangs. She clenches her clawed paws into fists and groans loudly in anguish once her spine crackles and skeletal structure shifts. It's almost as if her joints are breaking, due to the terrifyingly painful sounds, and the shelled fairy can't process what's occurring in front of him. Is this what Penny saw?, he restlessly thinks.

Nicole's tail slightly twists itself a few times out of agony and she struggles with getting up again. Luckily for her, her stomach quickly heals itself and she receives the power to move her paws by this. Patrick is still frozen in his steps as his astonishment can't even be beaten by his upwelling fear. The now eight feet monstrous feline towers above him once she gets up and barely watches out for the ceiling, resulting in accidentally bumping her head into it. While aggressively shaking her head and snarling a few times in the air, the blue monster focuses its vision on her attacker's silhouette in front of her. She lowers her upper body and lets her front paws touch the floor, slowly getting on all fours, and cracks her neck that formerly got stiff.

Transformation Tragedies [CoRIII]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora