Chapter 10 - Agonizing truth I

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[Richard's eyes widen when he enters the bedroom while reading 9PM on the clock. He didn't expect finding his wife laying under the covers already, despite it not being that late yet. The pink bunny carefully approaches her while closing the door behind him and sits down next to her silhouette. Seeing her eyes closed can only let him conclude she fell asleep already. You still must be extremely tired, he thinks while slowly moving his paw closer to her shoulder, only to gently caress her back. The leporid's pupils expand when he's able to see her in total rest again. But no matter how much insecurity still runs through both of them, he's at least glad he can witness peaceful moments like this and make the most of them while they last.

His attention then suddenly gets caught by the closet next to the door, which has one of its doors slightly opened. Without making any noise, he slowly gets up and sneaks towards it while knowing well it's nothing but Nicole's wardrobe. Once he opened its door further, he encounters something that makes him tear up a bit. How months ago there only used to be a small collection of damaged uniforms, the entire lower shelf of the closet is now completely stacked with tons of them. Richard picks some up with his paws and inspects them.

Ripped, demolished and torn to shreds. Every. Single. One. Of them. They are so badly damaged that not a single stitch can rescue them, but despite this, Nicole apparently didn't want to throw them out. Richard assumes it's because of shame... Some of the shirts were formerly drenched in blood, which unfortunately couldn't be entirely whitened again, and Richard has to force himself not to gasp in order not to wake up the blue feline. Too much has happened, hasn't it?, he thinks to himself. I knew all didn't go back to normal yet...

The pink bunny doesn't really know what to think and puts the destroyed uniforms back where he found them, before closing the closet door again and turning around. While looking at his slumbering wife, he silently chuckles and one of his eyes briefly sheds a tear. How can you possibly be responsible for all that mayhem...? He eventually puts a paw on the doorknob but keeps still in his tracks before opening it, and looks another time at the innocent-looking mouser. You're way too cute... I won't ever be able to see you differently anyways. A slight smile appears on the bunny's snout and he eventually exits the room again. Before Gumball or Darwin can speak up, who were waiting at the other side, Richard gestures them to keep silent and takes them upstairs instead, where Anais is already asleep.

How Richard saw his wife in complete peace, not much of an enjoyable sleep starts going on once the clock counts further into the night...

There's not much light in the room as usual, mainly due to the sky being extremely cloudy at the moment. Nicole's nose suddenly starts twitching, like happened times before, and she occasionally frowns as an unknown type of shock runs through her body. A different shock... She starts trembling by an ice cold feeling spreading over her entire fur coat, as if she's in an imaginary blizzard. But when she eventually thinks she's awakening, she doesn't recognize what her eyes show her and realizes it's the work of her mind again...

A grayscale windowsill is all Nicole can see when she opens her eyes. Everything else is pitch black and the blue feline feels rather odd by it being a long time since she awakened in a lucid dream like this. She moves her pupils around and tries to discover what her mind is trying to tell her, like it attempted times before. Once she took pace into the direction of the bright window, she encounters the silhouette of another feline whose back is turned. The closer she gets, the clearer she can see their fur color and the now noticeable brown ears remind her of her own father... But it's a way slimmer and taller feline... Could it be...?

Nicole: H-Hana? Is that you?

Hana: ...What?

The white with brown marked feline turns around in a rush, only to get surprised by the blue figure who called her name. She immediately lowers her ears and despite trying to look threatening by baring a fang, Nicole can still see in her eyes that she's in fact frightened.

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