Chapter 24 - Animal inside outside

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[Richard wishes he could feel glad about having gotten onto the right track, as cold fear once again strikes into him when he notices the large pawprints in the mud. His nose twitches while he feels his nervousness growing. Although one glance back at the three fairies following him while visibly putting in their full trust, is enough to keep him going.]

Patrick: [Whispering] Say, Richard... Is this path of blood gonna lead to her?

Richard: I don't doubt it.

Penny: M-Mr. Watterson? D-do we actually have a plan on how to stop the force?

[Richard keeps himself silent and doesn't answer her question as he's not sure of what to say. The pink bunny turns his head away and continues making his way through the bushes... Until he gets surprised by a noise out of the ordinary. His eyes widen and his body freezes except for his right paw, with which he signs the Fitzgeralds to stop. A soft, but audible cracking noise. Richard squints his eyes and crouches down behind the nearest tree for cover. Only to see a familiar silhouette in the glade in front of them.

He'd rather have ran to wrap his arms around her as soon as he saw the blue feline in an unexpectedly usual state. Her figure is her own size, making her demolished clothing big on her and she even seems to be walking on her hind legs. Richard can't believe it's really her as tears form in his eyes. He then stretches his shoulder and steps away from the tree with a straightened back, ready to approach her. But once he only barely stepped into the glade, Penny suddenly stops him by pulling his shirt.]

Penny: [Whispering] Mr. Watterson, I d-don't think it's safe!

Richard: What makes you say t-that? She's right there! She, even... not it...

Penny: Look!

[The glowing fairy frowns as she senses the grief present within Richard and he turns around in a rush. The cracking noise returns and the four struggle with keeping their visible terror subdued, once they realize where it comes from. Heart-stopping screaming and groaning of anguish would've startled them if they didn't force themselves to stay quiet. Nicole's bleeding spine eventually grew back to underneath her fur coat, but her entire system is anything but stable. She keeps her eyes sternly closed with an enraged frown on her face, as every single bone in her body being morphed causes her joints to crack heavier than they should. At a certain point, she feels herself getting too exhausted once more by her continuous agony and drops to the mossy ground. Her large and curvy claws dig into the rock in front of her, which is the only thing functioning as a very last bit of support.

Tears stream down the pink leporid's face as the last think he ever wants is to witness his wife being in pain. Despite having encountered her in such a state many times before, it's something impossible for him to get used to. Penny carefully puts her hand on his shoulder to show she has his back, while trying to keep her own emotions controlled. Even Patrick is lost for words. The last time he saw Nicole in pain like this, his empathy had been replaced by fear and he refuses to think back at the mistake he had made. The surroundings eventually turn silent and Nicole's screaming stops, her clearly having ran out of energy even more. She stays kneeled on the ground and pants as quietly as she can, keeping her eyes focused on the leaves around her paws.

Her ears suddenly twitch and rise to on top of her head once she hears some rustling nearby in the bushes. Richard would've sworn the four of them kept as quiet as they could, but soon realizes the noise doesn't come from them. The sound of a heavy engine soon reveals the suddenly approaching vehicle and Richard sternly covers his mouth to prevent himself from gasping, immediately having recognized the black off-roader.]

Patrick: [Whispering] Darn it! Looks like their map was correct!

Richard: How are they so quick?!

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