Chapter 13 - The craving

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"Oooh... What do we have here..?"

The Upper Limit's imaginary voice sounds desperate after a long break from having spoken.

"N-no! T-this can't be happening!"

Nicole stares at the lifeless body of the housecat in front of her with constricting pupils. The next second she was planning to throw it out, the sickening feeling from earlier suddenly returns. Heavier...

"That little thing must've had a rough life anyway..."

"Why did you do this...? W-why did you make m-me kill it...?"

"Oh, I didn't..."

"Ugh I don't want to hear you manipulate me right now..."

The blue feline then suddenly holds onto her stomach with one paw while covering her mouth with the other and gags once more.

"W-what is happening...? I- I f-feel sick..."

"We're hungry."


"We're hungry again, cat... I see I spawned at the right time..."

"W-what are you gonna do to me? Y-you won't be able t-to repeat my fish disaster!"

Nicole hisses and closes her eyes in anguish, feeling a cramp she felt before.

"I know I can't... You, how insufferable and annoying you are, managed to find another way to go against my assistance!"

"Excuse me, 'assistance'?! You're the wretched curse that keeps dragging me down and into mess!"

"There's not much I have to do anymore though... Heheh..."

Nicole suddenly groans as her pain starts to increase.

"What... d-do... you mean...?"



"It's finally all working out... You were such a pain to turn over, with your hopeless little family of prey..."


"But now there's nothing you can do to revive your hesitation..."


The mouser interrupts herself as the next cramp feels way worse and she lets herself fall onto her knees. She starts panting and shivering as she feels her heart racing. One look at the dead cat would've been enough to make her realize what's going on, but her normal senses drown by her dominating monstrosity... She growls a few times with lowering ears and starts wandering towards the body on all fours.

The now more ragged up blue feline can't even get surprised by the sudden heavy amount of saliva dripping from her mouth as she towers above it. Its formerly green eyes now stare into nothingness with faded lenses and its white fur drooped. Nicole's widened eyes move from its head to its fluffy belly and she moves her head closer to smell. She then completely loses it while sinking her teeth straight into the soft fur, biting through the cat's skin until she reaches its flesh. Gooey blood splatters all over her snout and doesn't even make her gag once she can taste it on her tongue. Instead, it only increases the sickening feeling dominating her until she feels a terrific craving for more...

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