Chapter 8 - Doubt

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[Nicole doesn't know how to react on what her son just told her. He stared at her with reddened eyes by tears which continuously streamed down his cheeks and didn't even manage to speak up properly before running upstairs. He's terrified. That's why he fled. He didn't dare waiting on response from his mother as he felt insecure about what to expect from her.

Has Elmore Jr High lost their mind?, Nicole thinks. She doesn't know whether to feel enraged, endangered or engrieved as she freezes in her steps and keeps staring at the kitchen sink in front of her. Though lots of things happened, everything seemed like it could've been secret as much as possible and not have too many individuals knowing.

But now imaginary pitchforks started to rise among the citizens due to Tuesday's disaster. Not against the entire family, who used to be known for their outlandishness, but no one else than the mother herself. There's no point in thinking about how the past could've been different and the feline already went too far months ago... But she started refusing to think it was completely on her...

She then suddenly clenches her paws into fists and figures she doesn't have any other option but to approach Principal Brown as soon as she can. Scrapping her earlier plan to relax, she gets up, finishes her coffee and packs her purse for the next day.

It's close to becoming evening when the blue feline prepared dinner and set the table, only for her husband to immediately join as soon as she called him. Anais stays hidden behind the corner of the kitchen's entrance and checks if her mother has calmed down. She almost gasps when she accidentally makes eye contact with her, but soon relaxes when the blue feline smiles broadly at her. The little pink bunny shyly approaches her mother with big pupils and drooped ears, only to immediately get hugged by her. Without saying a word, Anais settles at the table and gets a ruffle through the fur on top of her head from Nicole, before the blue feline walks towards the stairs. Her shoulders suddenly lower when she realizes neither of the boys had shown themselves after they got home earlier today. She really wanted to talk to them earlier, but strongly hesitated by her unstable mind. But now she takes a deep breath and forces herself to go upstairs, after telling Richard and Anais to start dinner without her.

Gumball lies in bed with his face buried in his pillow, clearly being overwhelmed and tired. Darwin is sitting next to the lower bunk, on the carpet floor and with a comic book in his fins. He feels less engrieved than his brother, even though he had be crying as well earlier. Not wanting to bother the blue kitten, he decided to distract himself with reading. The incidents from half a year ago might've been the scariest the legged goldfish had ever experienced, but they made him stronger at the same time. He still remembers the great reassurance his adoptive mother gave him that day and he knows she's trying her best.


Something doesn't feel right. Not at all. What could she have possibly done in order for the Elmore Jr High students to turn their backs onto him and his brother? Darwin feels confused... She promised them all so much... But is she really living up to that? Is it all getting worse? Isn't it over yet?

The little goldfish startles when he sees the door slowly opening in the corner of his eye and he gets up in a rush while backing away. Nicole, with drooped ears and a bent back in shame, makes her way into the room and immediately faces her adoptive son. Darwin can't help bursting into tears as soon as she looks him in the eye. Scratch what he thought about feeling stronger... His inner guppy made him terrified again.]

Nicole: D-Darwin? What's wrong, dear?

[Nicole grits her teeth as she didn't expect him to suddenly break down and takes a step forward while opening her arms. But Darwin can't take it anymore. He takes a small jump and rushes into the furthest corner of the room, where he hides his face with his fins.]

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