Chapter 27 - Beyond fiend

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[Erin did not move a muscle once the door of his office violently swung open. Not that he was able to keep himself busy with packing his stuff anyway but getting disturbed by members of the government's force was the last thing he was expecting. The tallest one, presumably the commander, brutally drops a blood-stained gun on the raven's desk without pardon and reveals his narrowed eyes by tilting his helmet's screen up. Erin's tail feathers roughen themselves up as he fears they've managed to see through his lie...]

Officer: Machineguns, huh? What a joke.

Erin: I- I know what you're going to say, sir, but-

Officer: Mr. Warrington, I really thought we had an agreement. You had sworn you told us what the right weapon was to defeat this monster for eternity, only for you to have the guts to lie to the government. I do hope you understand that would've caused you being fired, but as you're stepping away from your position anyways...

Erin: S-sir, please! Why aren't you able to see the other side of this situation?! You're basically forcing me to give you the key to ending a citizen's life!

Officer: That beast is not a citizen anymore and you know that. The town has started being in crucial danger and contracts have been blown by her. As well as you, Mr. Warrington...

Erin: You don't know how she's like! She's been my patient for long enough to let me get to know her better and killing her off wouldn't improve anything.

Officer: Why on earth would you take her side like this, while knowing about the damage she did... About how much of a threat she became. You giving us the right documents was an order from law, meaning you can expect some charges to be pressed by your refusal.

Erin: She ran away for a reason in case you forgot that. Why are you searching the danger up again? Even if there's a high risk with her presence, you're only making it worse now... She doesn't deserve to die, not after all the agony she dealt with. You see, as her past therapist, I've seen improvement come and go... and it all went downhill again once the surroundings started turning against her.

Officer: Such great understanding and pity you have... for the murderer of your own children.

[Erin's eyes widen as he strains his beak, while standing in front of the window with his back turned to the officer. He did not want to hear those words. Not in this moment especially. He lowers his brows while staring into his eyes from the window's reflection and slightly turns his head.]

Erin: We don't speak of that.

Officer: Mr. Warrington, what are you doing...? You're taking the side of someone insanely malicious who caused your loved one's last breaths.

Erin: It's not her who did this, okay?!

Officer: Then who could've?! The tests were taken multiple times and you've seen the DNA match up from those fur samples.

Erin: I'm not talking about that! You don't understand... You wouldn't be able to, since you have no experience with disorders at all! Despite me no longer having the tag, I still stand by the knowledge I received while working for all those years. Someone like this deserves to be helped properly...

Officer: Listen, I have no time to go further into this one-sided argument. You've broken a trust rule by law and I'm afraid I'll have to get you moving now.

[Erin turns around with fear being clearly displayed on his face.]

Erin: W-what?

Officer: You're coming with us, immediately. Gotta make sure you provide us with the right information this time, you know?

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