Chapter 29 - Other side of the bars

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[Drops of blood meet the mossy underground that was hidden by tall grass for the most part. Nicole finds herself in an extremely disoriented state as her eyes can't move away from the bloody carcass that lies in front of her paws. She's completely frozen in her pose, with all four paws being on the ground and a bent back that reflects shock. Another wolf had fallen to her feet after completely losing it another time by the wolf's presence having been enough to make her run away from her parents. She wishes she could've stayed put to make a return to the car by their side, but her intuition knew that wouldn't have a good ending. As soon as she feels the shock running through her lessen, she closes her eyes and attempts getting up from the rough ground. The soaked bandage around her shoulder proves how poorly the wound is healing, but it surprises her when the pain is way less now. She knows she's anything but stable in this moment, but feels confused for having her normal senses as well. Once discovering she can move her damaged arm effortlessly, she gets on her hind legs and takes a few steps back from the dead wolf. However her shock fades, it soon gets replaced by a rush of unease when her legs don't manage to carry her. She drops to the underground again and has to stretch her arms out to prevent collapsing, like many times before. Her eyes narrow as she's unable to understand what's occurring to her this time.

"You gave in quickly..."


"I really thought that conversation with our parents kept us intrigued..."

"What are you talking about?! I ran away because YOU decided to act up!"

"Tsk, well I am sorry for playing a fair game by defending myself!"

"Be as sarcastic as you want, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with you anyways... Why do you hate wolves so much? I can't take being triggered by those innocent creatures any longer!"

"Grrmph... Seems like you haven't lost your pathetic curiosity."

"You told me a lot before... since you claim 'it won't matter anymore anyway'."

"Ugh... Well... It seems like I've underestimated things..."

"What does that mean?"

"I didn't expect us to survive that fall... I didn't expect to still be. Here. At all. We were supposed to be dead already... Grrr- I knew those pet cats were a bad idea..."

"W-what?! What are you going on about? You're lacking even more context than before."

"What do you want me to do then? If you know so well how conversation works..."



"Upper Limit...? Look, this all isn't going to work if I'm going to stay as clueless as I am. You've claimed me being pathetic and dumb and... what's the word you always use-"


"Yes, that. Well? How am I supposed to change from... an insufferable weakling to... someone who understands you? Because that's all I can get from you... That you're misunderstood."

"It feels like you're repeating yourself, but alright then. If you're so thirsty for knowledge that will affect your wellbeing heavily..."

"Our... well, your condition being fatal isn't news. Although I've noticed patterns throughout the years of being stuck with its heaviest tolls. Apparently, since you're a last MagoCat inheritor, you've gotten quite on top of the chain. That illness and I made you as feral as you are... A monster for which other predators are no match... Terrible, horrible strength that turned into a curse rather than a power. Eheh, those cats you ate... made you stronger for that reason."

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