If The World Was Ending, You'd Come Over, Right?

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Warning: Earthquake, implied smut and a little but of smut

This is a fanfiction never do this in real life if you want to live during an Earthquake

 Listen to the song, it'll make more sense

Glee Klaine reference because yes.

Lance sat on his couch, gazing at the blank wall. He groaned and put a hand over his eyes. It was two weeks ago and he still was thinking about it. The party at the night club that he and his friends were at. In CA, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Lance and..Keith. They went drinking, normal for adults, right?

They were both seriously drunk. They weren't in their right minds. They were intoxicated and didn't realize. But they realized the next morning. Lance let a tear slip out, I shouldn't have left in the morning. Lance hurt them both, and they have been avoiding each other for two weeks.

Keith hands traveled up Lance's body.

Keith kissed Lance's neck.

Keith calling his name.





Keith woke up on the ground, seemingly he fell from his couch. Keith got up and recalled that he wanted to forget.

Lance kissing him softly with those lips of his.

Watching him with those blue eyes.

Stumbled in the house, didn't make it past the kitchen


Keith growled and grabbed his pillow and threw it across the room. 


Lance sat up and grabbed the remote, turning on the news. A woman sat in the desk."Warning, Earthquake Warning. This is not a drill." Lance's eyes widened. An earthquake was gonna happen. The world was gonna fucking end. And he was gonna die with Keith and him ending on bad terms. 

Hell No

Lance grabbed his shoes and jacket. He was going crazy, but he was going to do it. He turned the handle to his door and ran. 


Keith put on a black shirt and put on the TV. "Earthquake Warning. This is not a drill." Keith didn't have time to react before hearing banging on his door. He opened the door and Lance ran in, surprising Keith totally. Lance's blue eyes were frantic and desperate and pathetic. But beautiful. Tears fell from his face. "Keith, I know this is sudden but we're gonna die. I know I hurt you and I hurt myself and I'm sorry but I want to be with you and forget what happen two weeks ago at the bar. I love you so much and the world's gonna fucking end and I want to be with you till the end of my life which is probably two minutes but till then I want to be with you unless there's someone else." Lance looked at Keith, panting and breathless,"There's no one else, right?"

Keith shook his head, beginning to smile, and he said breathlessly,"There's no one else." He cupped Lance's face and kissed him passionately. Lance laughed against his lips. When they separated they were gasping for air,"Wanna survive the end of the world with me?" Keith nodded,"I wouldn't do anything else." They got under a table and held on tightly as the Earth shook. Just as quick as it begun, it ended. They got under the table and checked the house. Lance called from upstairs,"Everything's good here, only a few papers and books fell. The bookshelves are bolted!" He ran downstairs and saw that the TV that was black turned back on. Lance checked his phone,"Power and internet is back." Keith got a text,"Shiro and Adam say they're fine." Lance nodded and heard a text from his phone,"Pidge and Hunk are asking if we're okay."Keith smiled, walked over and kissed Lance. When he pulled away, Lance's cheeks were blazing red, looking at him innocently.

"Yeah, We're okay.



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