Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

To say that he's disturbed by the crowd of people would be an understatement. Every single human on the streets was minding their own business. But annoying the people next to them wasn't an issue. They just knew how to talk loudly and bump into strangers while on the phone.

The USA was a lot different for Xinlong. People did mind their own business but also tried to keep themselves away from any useless socializing such as bumping into each other. Here, Canada was a lot different.

He never really wanted to differ from them but he was unable to ignore the fact that people were so unconscious while walking. This was a small little town but people were close to each other, so no one cared about the sudden tripping and the loud noises, unlike Xinlong.

He still remembered how he used to hate people for talking to him even if he didn't want to. And even after all these years, he could say that nothing changed here. The people, the view, the kids, the noise, and the weird scent traveling in the air.
The scent weirdly woke up a pure nostalgia wave in his veins. No matter, how much he hates this town, he can never deny the fact that he lived here and was gifted by the beauty of nature. He was raised into a demon in this angelic town.

He agrees that he had the most best moments here and was given a pure blessing by god. A secret, a small secret that he used to engrave in his small heart. And once the secret was unveiled, he met the worst of his fate.

Even though he didn't want to go to the USA, he can say that it was the best for him and Her. And right now, out of nowhere, he would trade the world for a small touch or a drop of her bliss, he would sell his soul for a view of her. He wants to know if he grew up to be the angel she used to be or if she also turned into a beast like her sister. He wants to know if her small fluffy cheeks have grown a cheekbone that signaled her growth or not, he wants to know if she still loves Ice Cream or not, he wants to know if she still keeps his given necklace close to her or not.

He killed, shoot, beat, and twisted the knife in the belly of everyone who spoke ill of her or reminded him about her. He tried to forget her by every worst punishment to himself. He harmed. He killed. He ruined his already ruined mind. He destroyed himself into pieces and now, in him, was left nothing other than her name. He was empty and went crazy at the age of 16.

He forgot how to smile.

"Do you need a Rose?" A petite voice was heard from his side as he turned himself. His eyes followed a small frock-worn girl with beautiful blue eyes looking up at him. Her ponytails bounced as she jumped to reach him but failed. Her cheeks were bubbling because of the softness but it didn't melt his heart.

"No." He answered her with stiff shoulders, his eyes held emptiness that saddened the girl a little. He tried to not let his guard down and kneel and take the Rose from her hands, and squish her in his arms.

Her little pout was visible on her face.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because l don't need it." He answered and was about to leave when she clutched his hand. He shut his eyes close and turned to her and she gave the cutest puppy eyes ever.

He sighed, he lost.

He knelt in front of her and took the Rose from her hands.

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