Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven


Under the tree that was left without flowers and near the pond that was reflecting the season, under the gray sky and between the cold wind, Hanyu sat with his face buried in his hand. While Swaying back and fourth and letting out whimpers, his small body was slowly getting frozen. His nose red due to crying and the chilly weather in which he had no warm clothes to wear. Wounds in his hand was stained with fresh blood. The whip marks were clearly marked on his body.

"Mom." He whispered in the middle of crying. "Help me."

His mother, Misa, was up there in heaven watching her son sob out of his sorrows. He couldn't take it anymore. His abusive father, involved in gambling and taking illegal substances was whipping and beating the six year old boy. He had no family and no childhood. Unlike the other kids he saw at the park who were roaming around without the fear of getting beaten. His eyes cried for help but no one came forward to help the little boy. They never noticed. Unlike the other small guy who sat just a few feet away from the boy who sat miserable. His eyes curious.

He was dying to know the name of the boy who had the same fate as him, same scars and same whip marks. His brown eyes followed the blood dripping from the boy whom he watched for minutes. Not being able to control anymore, he dashed towards the boy of his age. Seeing someone approaching the crying one put his head up and looked at the one who offered a hand to his direction.

Not knowing what to do and what to promise, he took the hand and got up from the dusty ground. A jacket was worn out of his body and given to the crying boy.

"What's your name?" He asked. His expression never changing. In fact growing more curious to the story of the boy.

"Hanyu, Jia Hanyu."
"He Xinlong."

They both walked towards Xinlong's hiding place. In which he stored thousands of memories and tears. He always came here when his father would beat him up for the disobedience. Not wanting to use guns was a huge no-no from his father. So when he denied to use it, his father always beat him. No wonder it became his fantasy as he started to use it. He loved the sound of the gun and the man it was about to shoot. His father was right.

The small wooden house made up on a tree had a ladder on its entrance for them to reach up there. As Xinlong climbed, Hanyu struggled. After going up a few steps, he looked up at Xinlong who was already up there. Xinlong motioned a hand towards him again. He took it and got up to the house.

The small house was filled with miniature stuff. Not toys but a gun on the side and a cupboard with a small couch on the side. One can only stay crouched there.

It was a small place but Hanyu felt weirdly comfortable there. As he looked around he found so many things that were indistinguishable. Small pink crocs that seemed to belong to a girl was there and in the cupboard laid thousand of pictures and drawings of a girl. Her brown eyes and indescribable beauty engraved on those pictures was making it hard for him to remove his eyes.

"Hazel-eyed Gazelle." He whispered loud enough for Xinlong to hear. He looked at the direction of his gaze and found him look into something that he wasn't suppose to look at. While taking the first aid box he kept for himself, he took Hanyu's wounded arm and started treating it. Hanyu hissed at the feeling of getting treated. Feeling awful getting a remedy from a boy he barely knew.

"Why are you doing this?" Hanyu asked, his eyes remained on Xinlong.

"I don't know." He simply answered.

Young Master - [ A He Xinlong fan-fic ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz