Chapter Twenty Five

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You see the star button right down there? Click it and l promise
it won't bite.

Chapter Twenty Five

His eyes were drafted down the land he walked on, those lands that screamed his name filled with fear. His once sleeked black hair was now hanging down at his eyes and was totally wet due to the rain falling on his head. Making a pattern of stains down to his fist the water droplets were dancing on his body and broad shoulders. His cheeks stained in the tears he spilled a few hours ago. His throat aching in agony as the thirst of water was rising. He didn't care. He didn't want to care.

Thunderstorms were growing more and more as he walked down the lanes to an unknown destination where his heart would tell him to stop. But it didn't. He kept walking for several hours, ignoring his angry fathers calls and Gloria's worried missed calls. He forget about the world for a few hours while comprehending each and every word Gloria said.

His mother left him.

The one he kept looking for days and months when he was a toddler.

The one he thought could save him from this hell and would bring him to an eternal peace but she didn't.

What could be more worse for a broken person knowing the last one they cared about was just another one they wouldn't want to care about? She left him in the hands of the devil. The devil which turned him into a devil.

His thoughts grew darker and darker while he walked down the alley with monsters lurking around. He never looked anywhere except the water on the ground that reflected the emptiness within his eyes. His legs went numb which he didn't notice and his body growing impatient for rest.

Only if he could see the dangers around him in the water other than his crushed eyes.

His state was enough to make one worried sick but the ones who were stalking him from behind while holding dangerous weapons weren't shook to their soul.

Their shadows were showing no sign of remorse while they waited for their leader to give them the signal.

By one sign of nodding of head, 15 buff men full on their muscles bulking out of their flesh made a warning manner around the body that was walking lifelessly.

Numerous amount of sharp blades, guns and bats were on their hand but they were still scared of the boy who was walking in front of them, unaware of their presence. After all, it was He Xinlong they were messing with. No One cared about their life anyway.

The girl wearing a red cap, black leggings and just a hoodie who was apparently their leader was no other than Arnia. The head of the BlackMoon, an organization Jia Hanyu lead. She was very well known whom she was about to hit but her consciousness was far away from the topic. She never cared and she would never care.

Running away from her home made her option-less for anything that would help her fill her stomach. Her reason was valid but was never declared from the tongue. Hanyu was a big catcher, so as he saw her out on the world, he gave her shelter. Or most probably used her. She was one of the most fearless and the most brutal of BlackMoon. To the point where she killed the head of BlackMoon to get the position. Hanyu was well aware but he just decided to let her, after all the field was laid to play.

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