[22] "I Know"

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MY PHONE beeps as I'm getting ready got school Wednesday morning and I check the message.

Hey Arch. I'll probably be back for your second semester. Hope school's going well.

I furrow my brows. My mom only texts me once in a while so I'm a little surprised she reached out. She's out on the ocean with our old boat. I realize she didn't even meet Leila. Then again she doesn't have service most of the time so I can't blame her. I've always had a good relationship with my mom, but I know it's not the same as ideal. After what happened with my father we've had an unspoken agreement of gratitude.

alright. i'll see you then, mom

I scroll through texts, answering the messages I'd missed. I've got a lot of friends, just not many I care much about to the point where it's like Greyson, Matt, and Jason. The tighter the circle the better in my opinion.

After getting ready and grabbing a light breakfast, I hop in my Range Rover and pull up to school, taking my resident parking spot since sophomore year. I step out, scanning the crowd to find a certain person.

I spot her talking with a couple of her friends. She seems more open with them, not as shy as she normally poses. I've been in a better mood after what's happened between us. Knowing what I know about Raven, she's gotta know people more than well in order to really be herself. In every interaction, she avoids eye contact and being the center of attention. When she gets nervous she fidgets.

Her blush is the cutest.

Her blush? God, since when did I get so whipped? I roll my eyes, slamming my door shut and heading to the front of the building. I steel my expression and slip into the Archer Cross persona this school knows and fears. The killer mystery makes it all the better. I pass by Leila and her friends, not giving any of them a second glance. We never ended on good terms and I'm really not in the mood for her bullshit.

"Hey," Killian comes up to me.

He's one of the guys in my friend groups. Not exactly a bad guy, but he's a bit skittish. I cross my arms, leaning against the wall.

"Hey," I acknowledge.

He shifts between his feet, tension and apprehension radiating off him in waves. He's intimidated I realize. I roll my eyes, my face hard.

"I heard he's single."

"Yeah apparently he dumped Leila."

"Leila told me she dumped him."

I eavesdrop on the chatter around me, annoyance blooming at Leila's antics. Part of me also can't bring myself to care. People will believe what they want to.

I couldn't care less.

Greyson and Matt join me, sparking up conversation with Killian and I. I halfheartedly pay attention, more focused on a certain shorty talking with a couple of her friends. I cross my arms as Leila and her friends pull up, watching them with careful eyes. I keep all emotion off my face, mask in place.

"Hey," she says, waltzing up to me.

I raise an eyebrow.

"You didn't pick me up," she says, a pout on her face.

It's not cute.

I glance back at Raven who happens to be watching my interaction with Leila. Even from here, I can see the plain hurt and disappointment on her face. She heads into the building and out of sight. My brows furrow slightly as I want to do what I can to fix this. She's getting the wrong impression.

"We've been broken up. What are you doing, Leila?" I ask, my tone one of complete indifference.

People watch our interactions as Leila speaks quietly so no one else hears. She comes a little closer as if to show she's keeping the conversation private, but I know better.

"Well, I was hoping you'd reconsider your drunk statements from before-"

"I thought I made this shit clear, Leila. Now you need to get it through your goddamn head. We're done. There's not a chance for us and there never will be. What I said before was sober. I'm interested in someone else, alright?" I say, plenty loud for everyone around us to hear.

She gasps, recoiling with a hurt expression on her face. It then turns to anger as she steps up and tried to slap me. I catch her wrist, pushing her arm down. I hear a collective gasp from everyone who's watching. I can see the shock on Leila's face as her expression morphs to one of fear.

"Don't even try," I snap and walk into the school, leaving a crowd of students hanging on my every word.

Hopefully the word spreads around, but I know I'm going to be hounded for who it is I mentioned. I could play it off as a lie, but then that'd bring the girls flocking.

And I don't want Raven to think what we shared wasn't real.

Speaking of Raven, I don't think she saw what happened between Leila and I, but hopefully the word will spread enough to convince her of what really happened out there. The bell rings as students push through the doors and to their Wednesday classes.

     I see Raven and Grant way down the hallway, moving somewhere private and out of my sight. I wonder what's happening there?

"I know who it is!" Leila yells after me, drawing my attention away from them.

I scoff, laughing a laugh devoid of humor or amusement. I turn.

"I know who the other person is," she taunts, a hand on her hip.

I raise a brow.

"You don't want to do that, Leila," I warn.

If she exposes me, I'm going to be brutally honest, admitting to her and everyone else how I played her to further my own agenda of getting closer to her family. Then again, she was using my status as well.

"It's Raven," she says, fake tears streaking her cheeks and a hand on her hip.

The crowd intakes a second collective gasp of air, all eyes on me.

• • •

Really short chapter I know! I wanted to get an update out there for you all.

I have a question for you all...is Archer's persona reflected in my writing? He's supposed to be Mr. Badass Mystery Killer but I'm not sure if he's scary enough. Let me know and if you have suggestions feel free to share!

Much love, Jasmine Croft xo

Much love, Jasmine Croft xo

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