The Begining to the Impossible

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Regulus Black narrowed his eyes as he studied the chessboard before him. His silver eyes scanned the different pieces, analyzing each of his moves. He was determined to beat his significant other of two months, Alex Flouthist, in a chess match. 

Across the room, James Potter could be seen beside his wife as they spoke. Her pale fingers ran through his raven hair as she listened intently when he spoke, most likely about Quidditch. 

Remus Lupin's amber eyes role as he watched his husband and two other friends compete. It wasn't over a game of cards or anything. 

No. Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon, and Nymphadora Tonks were seeing how could eat 48 pies faster. 

Dorcus, who was used to the chaos, was curled up on the couch as she slept. 

A smirk grew on Regulus's face as he ordered his rook into position, ready to place his partner in checkmate. 

But he never got a chance to. 

Before any of them could comprehend what happened, they disappeared. 

The sensation of being twisted and warped filled their bodies. 

In his last hope of desperation, Regulus's thin hand wrapped around Alex's dark one, dragging them with him. 


James Potter woke up in a box. 

He did not like said box. 

Very funny, Pads, James thought to himself sarcastically. 

It wasn't until James saw his wife lying beside him did he remember. 


Voldemort came to his house. He remembered it just like it was yesterday, which to him, it seemed like it was. 

Voldemort wanted to kill his son. He urged his wife to run with their son as he took it upon himself to hide his goddaughter. 

The twenty-one-year-old man shot up quickly, smacking his head on the lid of his coffin, as he remembered the green light hitting his face. 

Beside him, sobs were heard. Lily Potter came to the conclusion faster than he had...and perhaps without a head injury. 

"James!" Lily sobbed after they found their way out of the coffin. "Harry! H-He's dead! I couldn't stop h-him!"

James held his wife close as she sobbed. His own hazel eyes filled with tears, realizing he "lost" his son. 

Little did they know, Harry Potter had just kissed his girlfriend goodbye before heading off to teach young students. 

Little did they know, they weren't the only ones that returned from the dead with no recollection of the past. 


Minerva McGonagall was no stranger to the odd and peculiar. She taught the Marauders. She saw Nova as her own daughter. She fought in two wars. 

But never in her days did she believe she would enter her office to see Sirius Black pointing at James Potter with a deadly expression on his face. She didn't imagine this for two reasons. 

One, they were best friends, brothers. There was no way they would hurt each other. There was no way they would betray each other. 

Two, they were both dead. 

"Sirius, put your wand down," Lily Potter's sharp voice cut Minerva out of her trance. 

"How dare you?" Sirius growled savagely. 

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