What If They Leave Again?

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Harry and Nova were up nearly all night talking. 

Nova had a go at Harry for allowing strangers past the wards. His argument was that they weren't strangers, and they weren't, Nova's questioning proved that. Yet, Nova constantly said that they could've been. Their argument turned into a shouting match, to which Nova casted a silencing charm around their room. 

"Harry, I get that you're excited. Bloody hell! I get that. But if they weren't, what was going to happen then?" Nova had argued. "What would've happened to Teddy? To you?" 

Harry instantly saw where she was coming from and began looking down at his feet. 

After that, the two found themselves speaking about how the news made them feel. How it felt their family was back. 

Harry had expressed his excitement and nervousness. He was thrilled to get to know his parents, just like he always has. On the other hand, he wasn't sure they'd like him, filling his head and heart with doubt. 

Nova lied and Harry knew that.

She told him she was beyond happy to have her dads back. This much was true. What she didn't tell him was how she didn't want to get attached. 

She didn't tell him how she had been having nightmares about her dads blaming their deaths on her. They went from haunting her dreams to haunting her waking hours as well. 

She was afraid to open her heart to them again. It was no secret she was a complete mess after the war. It wasn't a secret Remus's death hit her harder than Sirius's mainly because she couldn't drown herself in fighting the war. She actually had to face her grief. She had to slay the beast that had been darkening her world for months. 

And she finally had. 

Then they came back.

And it scared her more than anything in the world. 

The following morning, the young couple had been sleeping peacefully. Harry's arm wrapped around Nova's waist, pulling her back into his chest. His breath tickled her neck as he breathed in the scent of her rose shampoo. 

Upon hearing a high-pitched scream, they jumped to their feet. Almost instantly, their wands were in their hands as they rushed down the stairs. 

They had their backs pressed against the wall of the hallway leading into the kitchen. Nova sent Harry a clear look that told him to take the left. 

Then the two barged into the kitchen, wands ablazing. 

Five minutes before, Ronald Weasley had entered Potter Manor. He was in search of some snacks, and he knew his best friends always had snacks. 

"Hullo, Ron," Sirius greeted groggily as he got himself so powdered donuts. 

"Hello, Sirius," Ron greeted. It took several seconds for him to register what happened. 

Still in shock, Ron had lightly tossed his banana bread at Sirius.

Ron let out a scream as Sirius turned to him as the bread hit his face. 

Let's just say it wasn't the best idea to scream bloody murder with two war veterans still recovering from PTSD at this time of night. 


"Alarte ascendare!" 

Harry had stunned Sirius, leading him to hit the wall. Nova had flung Ron to the ceiling were he smacked it and fell back to the floor. 

"What the actual bloody fucking hell-?" 

"Language," James reprimanded Remus as he groggily rubbed his eyes. 

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