James chapter 12

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I tried to climb more quickly while also being careful to not lose my grip on the rope, I was about 30 feet off the ground now and I didn't want to fall...again.

Meanwhile, that rumbling was still going on around me but it hasn't gotten any closer so maybe it's just a more mild earthquake? If so I hope it doesn't suddenly go-...wait a minute.

I focused on the noise of the rumbling as well as the vibrations and realized that the rumbling...or the source of it...was actually moving around me in circles.

James: Ok...time to get a move on.

I strained to pull myself up even further as my armor was, unfortunately, weighing me down along with my backpack, but I can't exactly just ditch them because I'm definitely going to need them for my fight against Yharon, especially now that I've lost my staff.

As I struggled to continue climbing the rumbling suddenly stopped...only to abruptly continue except now it was rapidly getting louder and...clos- Oh shit!

All of a sudden something gigantic burst out from the stone wall right next to me, thankfully I threw my body forward and caused the rope to swing out of the creature's way but that was a close one.

I watched as the body of some sort of worm monster burrowed its way into the opposite side of the mountain, I took this opportunity to start climbing like hell because there was no way I can fight this monster while hanging onto a rope...plus it might cut said rope and not only would the fall hurt but I'd lose my only way out so yeah...I gotta get out as fast as I can.

I began to quickly pull myself up as fast as I could but also making sure not to lose my grip, moving one hand in front of the other one at a time and pulling myself one hand at a time.

Suddenly I heard the rumbling begin to get closer but it was coming from in front of me, I began to swing the rope back and forth until my feet touched the wall where I began to run across the wall to the side just in time for the worm to burst through and miss me and the rope, I quickly pushed/jumped off the wall and time and the rope began to swing around in a circle, I desperately clung on while trying my best to continue climbing the rope.

James: (Of all the times that this thing could have attacked, why did it have to be while I was mid-climb?)

Finally, I reached the top, I grabbed onto the stone ledge before quickly pulling myself upwards just as the worm thing dove upwards from the holes and narrowly missed my foot.

I went rolling across the ground before picking myself up, I looked around where I was and saw that at the top of the mountain there was this large ring of the dark purple stone that went around the edge of the hole, on the outside of the ring were those large teeth like rings facing inwards giving this whole area an almost deadly arena-like feel.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw the worm crash back into the ground and start burrowing, I stepped back and summoned the pink rune for the crystal shower as the worm's head broke through the surface and I finally came face to face with this thing.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw the worm crash back into the ground and start burrowing, I stepped back and summoned the pink rune for the crystal shower as the worm's head broke through the surface and I finally came face to face with ...

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