We Finally Talk

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"So you were 17 when you came here, 5 years passed, so you were 22. Now two years pass."I say out loud

"So your, 24!?" Gray shouts

"Yup, which makes me the oldest one on Team Natsu" Lucy says "Well there really isn't Team Natsu anymore"

"Yeah, but that's going to change when you come back" I say

Lucy stops walking and turns around to face us. She has tears in her eyes and seems like she has something to tell us.

"Guys, please don't freak out at what I'm about to tell you. Also please don't tell anyone about this" She cries

"We promise" Gray says

She takes a deep breath and just stands there looking at us. Her hand shakes as she wipes the tears from her eyes. Then she opens her mouth and. . .


This place is so cool, it has room service. All I do is pull a string and it rings a bell. Then the people come, it's so easy here. I dramatically fall down on my bed and laugh. Then I sigh, I wish Happy were here.

Happy would be so happy here, he wouldn't be sad anymore. Speaking of here, were are we in the first place. I get up off the bed and walk to the string on the wall. I pull it three times and in no time a woman comes to my room.

"How may I help you sir" She asks

"Hey, do you know where this place is?" I ask

"Yes I do sir, but I am not obligated to tell you that information without Milady giving me permission too" she says quickly "if that is all you need I will take my leave now sir"

The lady turns around and walks out of my room. There is something going on here and I'm going to figure out what it is.

I exit my room and walk down the hallway. I soon see Erza and Gray crying. I walk up to them to see what was going on.

"Guys, what's going on, why are you guys crying" I ask

"Oh Natsu if only-" Erza says then suddenly stops

I look at Gray to see if I could get answers out of him. But at the looks of it I won't. Ever since we came to the guild it has been an emotional roller coaster. I walk pass them and down further in the hallway.

I soon see Lucy talking to one of her servants. Then she takes a box from them and walks away. I run up to Lucy and tap her on the shoulder.

She turns around but doesn't make eye contact with me.

"So, I was wondering if we could talk, ya'know like outside" I ask

She nodded and showed me the way outside. We walked into the garden and sat on a bench. There was an awkward silence between us. Why wasn't she talking to me. What about what she told me in the letter.

"I want to know Lucy" I told her

"I. . ." Was all she could say

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to. But you will listen to what I have to say" I tell her

I looked at her and she nodded still looking at the ground. I exhale a sigh why is she acting like this. From what I know so far Lucy isn't like this. Why isn't she acting like herself around me?

"You love me right?" I ask but mostly tell her "and from the mood of the people back at the guild I loved you too

"But what I don't understand, is why are you acting like this? You act different around Gray and Erza, but when you're with me you just shut down. Is there something that happened between us?" I ask

"Natsu. I don't want to talk about it now" Lucy said

"Why not!" I yell " I thought you cared!"

"I'm not saying anything because I care! Have you ever thought that something is going on, that I can't tell you! I am not doing things because I care Natsu! It's because I care that I can't, or won't talk to you!" Lucy yelled and ran away

I just sat there dumbfounded. I watched as she ran away. I have never thought about her position. Why am I such an idiot?


Baka. . . Baka. . . Baka

Why, why is it that everywhere I go he always brings me pain? Even in those two years I've been away. He doesn't know I'm doing this all for his sake.

"Milady, we need you in the room" my servant tells me

"I'm coming" I tell them

I follow them to the room and prepared myself for my talk. I walk through the door and there waited the three from before.

"Percilla, I find it unfair that you are doing this now" I say "you promised me time to think"

"I understand that, and I do apologize Milady. But desperate times call for desperate measures. So what will your choice be?" Percilla asked me

"I'll answer when I feel necessary" I say as I turn around and start walking out the door

"Milady if you don't answer I will have no choice but to make a decision myself" Percilla informs me

"I dare you too, I'll rip your heart out through you throat" I threaten as my eyes glowed bright red

I left things like that and walked out the room. I didn't care anymore, Percilla was pissing me off. I felt like I get pushed over the edge more when I'm around her.

"Hinata I need you in 15 minutes" I call

"Hai mam' I'll be there in 15" Hinata tells me

So I really need to decide don't I. But I don't want to, I don't want to leave Natsu. I also don't want to leave the others.

But this is something I can't avoid

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