Unleash the power

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Lucy P.O.V

"Fire dragon iron fist!" Natsu yelled as he charged.

Finally the fight begins i said as i smirked. he was charging fast he was about to hit me when i caught his hand before it hit my face. He seemed shocked that I caught his hand it was now my turn to attack.

"Water dragon secret art." i said.

My hair floated above me i yelled as i was transforming instead of blonde hair it was now dark blue with light blue at the tips of my hair and instead of brown eyes they were now indigo. When i transformed people were shocked to see that i was a dragon slayer but I was just getting started.

"Water dragon explosion!" i shouted then out of no where a huge water explosion came out of no where and hit Natsu but that didn't last long because gray froze it.

"I don't know who you are but i am going to beat the living tar out of you for hurting my nakama!" Gray shouted which made me grin.

"Ice Mclancer!" gray shouted.

but before he could hit me with his attack i transformed.

"Fire dragon secret arts!" i yelled

A swirl of fire wrapped around me my hair started turning red with blonde at the tips and orange highlights and my eyes were a bright orange color. Soon the swirl of fire went down into my back making a long dragons tail.

"She can use fire!" Natsu shouted in disbelif.

I melted Gray's ice attack and ran up to him. I was so fast that he couldnt see me coming and i punched him in the stomach.

"fire dragon flame attack!" i shouted as flame went all around Gray. He screamed and then fell to the ground.

I didn't realize what was happening behind me cause Natsu came up from behind me and punched me in the back. I flew into a tree but it didn't stop me from getting up.

"Nice shot but that is the only one you will ever make." i grinned.

Natsu started to charge at me.

"Fire dragon roar!" He yelled as fire left him mouth.

He doesn't learn does he as his fire attack came closer to me i quickly swallowed it up and Natsu was in complete and utter shock.

"If she can swallow my fire how am i going to win." he muttered

I blew out the fire but instead of it being regular fire it was a blue fire a type of fire that no dragon slayer can swallow not even me. It hit him and he screamed and fell to the ground next to gray.

"Guess your the last one left Titania." I said turning around to see a furious Erza.

"Requip" she shouted.

Now this is going to be a challange because i can change just as fast as Erza could.

"Water dragon secret arts!" i shouted as i turned into my new element

Erza charged towards me but before she could reach me i attacked her.

"Water dragon secret arts................" I paused before saying my move.

"Blood control" I said and she stopped right in front of me.

She looked completly shocked she couldn't move no matter how hard she tried. I picked her up in the air and flew her into a tree. When i took the spell off of her she fell to the ground. I looked around to see everyone have a shocked look on there face. I looked over to where i left Gray and Natsu but guess who wasn't there.

{ON HOLD} Dragon princess (Nalu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now