It's Over? Part 3

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"Hey Happy wanna go on a job" I say cheerfully

"No don't wanna, to depressed not even the tastiest fish would make me feel better" Happy says as tears start to slowly drip from his eyes

"What's going on with you, what's going on with the guild, last time I remember we weren't this sad" I say

"You wouldn't understand Natsu, master took her away from you so you wouldn't grieve. You're lucky you won't have to feel the pain" Happy says sadly as he flys away

There she goes again, this girl that I have no idea who she is. Yet everyone is saying that she was extremely special to me. It's not like she was my mom, or my sister, or my girlfriend or anything. Just who is this chick.

"I'm gonna go home now" I say to Mira as I walk out the guild

No one seems like they are in the mood to do anything. I start walking, but not the way to my house but somewhere else.

I remember coming this way before but I forget with who, and why. I arrive at an apartment complex, I don't walk in though. I look at one window at the top floor.

I remember going in through that window before. I debated wether I wanted to go into the apartment or not. While thinking someone comes out of the front door.

"Hey you! Don't you hang out with that big busted blonde girl Lucy!" the old women yells at me

I was about to answer but the old lady cuts me off before I could say anything.

"When you see her tell her that her rent is due!" the old lady says and walks off

So I do know this Lucy chick, but how come I don't remember her! I want to remember her!

After debating I decided to go into the apartment. I get up to the window and climb through into the room. It feels so warm, so relaxing, so home like. It had a scent to it, strawberry and vanilla, that smell sent pleasure through my while body.

I could sniff this scent all day, I didn't want to lose this scent.

"So I see you remember this place" Someone says

I turn around to see Gray and Erza sitting in one of the chairs.

"Yeah, but I don't know why. I feel a strong connection to this place" I say looking around the room

"Well it would be best if you forget about this place and don't come back" Gray says

"The hell I will!" I yell at him

"Natsu, Gray's right, it would be best to cut all ties with this place" Erza says calmly

"But why" I ask as I turn away from them and start walking away

I didn't hear anything leave their mouths. I walk around the house and spot a picture.

I was about to pick it up when out of nowhere Gray snatches the picture up. He tosses it to Erza and she catches it.

"So is that her" I say

No answer

"That's her in the picture isn't it. I saw her, she was with Happy and I, she looked so happy in that picture" I say

"Natsu you should leave" Gray says

"Not until I get closure" I say as I walk around the room

Gray and Erza follow me, I stop in front of a desk. Erza and Gray do the same. I brush my fingers along the desk and feel it's texture.

The the desk starts glowing, I back up a little and watch. Then when the desk stops glowing an envelope appears. I walk forward and look at it.

From: Me

To: Natsu Dragneel

"What the heck" Gray says

"It's. . . For me" I say

"Read it, see what it says" Erza says

I pick up the envelope and try to open it.

"It won't open" I say

"Here let me try" Gray says

I pass him the envelope and he grabs it from me. He struggles to open it just like me. Then Erza takes it from Gray and try's to open it too.

"Why won't it open" Erza says to herself puzzled

"Let me see it" I ask

Erza hands me the envelope and I observe it. It smelt like the same scent in the room. The handwriting was pretty.

The envelope had a sticker on it, the picture on the sticker was of flames. I put my over the sticker and the envelope glows.

"This message is for Gray, Erza, and Natsu" a girls voice says

"It can't be" Gray says as his eyes grow wide

"If you are hearing this then that means I'm either dead or in a bad situation. This part of the message is for Gray and Erza only so if Natsu is there make sure you leave. . . And cover your ears, cause I know you will do something" the girl says

"Natsu leave" Gray says

"Like hell I will, I'm staying!" I yell at Gray

"Natsu go, that's an order" Erza says strictly

I yell in defeat as I walk out of the apartment. I stand in the hallway and start pouting.

"Why the hell do I got to stand out in the hallway, it's totally unfair, if the girl said this was a message for all of us then why should I have to leave. If she only wanted Gray and Erza to hear she should of made two separate envelopes!" I said to myself

I waited for five minutes and the door to the room finally opened. Gray and Erza were standing there with smiles on their faces.

"She wants you now" Erza said

I walk into the room and Gray and Erza leave. I can hear their footsteps going down the stairs. I focus back onto the envelope.

"Now Natsu it is your turn" she says

"You are probably wondering who I am, well I'm not going to tell you. But it is in the envelope you have. You can't get it open now. But when the time is right it will open by itself, but it will open if you are near it or not so keep it with you at all times. Now you are probably thinking a lot of things, which is weird cause you never think at all. Why you can't remember me. Why everyone else remembers me. Why no one will tell you about me. If you will ever remember me. If you will ever find me" she starts

"Why is this happening to me!" I yell at the envelope

"If you are yelling at this envelope, I can't hear you. This is a pre recorded envelope message" she states

"What the hell, how did she know I was yelling at the envelope" I say to myself

"Now let me answer you questions. You can't remember me because I told master that in a case like this to erase your memory of me. Everyone else remembers cause I wanted them to. No one will tell you about me was because of how close we were. We were closer then you and Lisanna. They know you would of been hurting to the point where it wouldn't end well. There are chances that you will remember me, but is only if you want to remember me bad enough. Over time if you don't then all traces of my will be gone. Everything that involves me will be destroyed from you. As for if you will find me, well that is for you to find out." She says

"What does that mean" I say to myself

"If you're wondering what I mean then let me explain, I might be hiding somewhere but you will have to figure out where" she says

"So this is the end of the message, I hope you have a good life Natsu Dragneel, to move on, to feel free, to have fun and have new adventures everyday with the people you care about" the girl say, and her voice crackles a bit at the end

"I love you Natsu Dragneel"

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