Trouble in the village

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*Happy P.O.V*

I flew out the guild to go look for Natsu because i was getting worried. I saw Lucy walking into the woods and Natsu secretly following her.

"Natsu!" I yelled as i flew over to him

He turned around and asked me what i was doing and I asked him the same thing. He told me he was following Lucy because she was leaving again and he didn't trust this mission. I nodded and we started following Lucy again. I looked over at Natsu and he looked so determinded to follow Lucy for some reason.

"Natsuuuuuuuuu i'm hungry do you have any fish!" I yelled while Natsu ran over to me put his hand over me hand and hid behind a tree.

*Lucy P.O.V*

While I was walking in the forest I had the strangest feeling that someone was following me but i just ignored the feeling because i was focused on investigating this village. But not long after my suspicion started to grow. I could've sworn that I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see nothing and one tree caught my attention. I sniffed the air and i could definitely smell someone behind that tree.

I started walking towards the tree when i stopped right before i looked behind the tree. I quickly turned around and went back to looking for this village because I could sense an evil arua near. I finally got to the village and it was in horrible condition. Some of the village's buildings were burned others were broken down.

I saw a woman walking and i ran up to her. She had brown hair falling to her shoulders and she had the biggest blue eyes. She had cuts and scratches all over her.

"What happened here." I asked her.

"It was horrible a guy came through here and started destroying the town some of our wizards and I tried to stop him but he was to powerful!" she started to cry.

I went to hug her, I felt so bad for her and her village.

"I will stop this man for you and your village." I said with anger.

I asked her what this man looked like and she described him to me. When she did i flinched.

I got up and buried my head in anger. He was going to be in a whole world of pain if he ever came near me again. He was just as bad as Zeref but he wasn't as powerful as Zeref though. I asked the lady where I might be able to find this guy. She said he wondered into the forest she also told me to be careful because he had a dragon with him.

I was shocked. I thought all the dragons were in the dragon realm I guess I was wrong. I asked her where all the villagers were and she said in a safe house under the town. I asked her to show me where it was so I could get more information.

She lead me underground and I saw most of the villagers were injured and the ones who weren't injured treating them. I felt so bad I didn't like seeing people in pain so I healed everyone there. All the villagers thanked me and with that I left the underground safe house felling a little better about myself.

I started walking towards the forest when I smelt the same scent that I did when i was walking to the village. I tunred around quickly and started chasing the smell and I guess whoever it was knew I was chasing them because the scent seemed to be moving. I started running faster and faster until the scent started getting stronger and stronger. I was determined to find this person so I took a detour so I could end up right in front of this person.

I came out through a whole bunch of trees and I finally was face to face with this person and gues who it was. You guessed it right Natsu and happy.

*Natsu P.O.V*

I was running as fast as I could but it was no use Lucy was faster than me and somehow she was in front of me. She had a face that was mixed with shock and anger.

"What are you doing here Natsu it is too dangerous for you to be wandering around with me!" She shouted at me.

"Well I was worried so I followed you here." I said while not making eye contact.

"Natsu you need to go back to the guild right now it's to dangerous out here and I don't want you getting hurt!" she yelled in concern.

I just stood there shocked at what she said. She still cared for me and that made me all happy inside and I started to blush thinking about Lucy.

"Lucy please let me go with you I have defeated many people that were strong............I even beat Jellal Lucy!" I yelled at her

She looked down at the ground a bit and when she looked up she was crying a little bit

" sorry" she quietly and the next thing I know I was passed out on the floor.

{ON HOLD} Dragon princess (Nalu fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora