Too Much Drama

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I just stood there while staring at Natsu. I was in a bad situation and I knew it. He saw me walk into the room I wouldn't let him go into with Gray I hope that this wouldn't end bad.

"Lucy I swear if you don't tell me what is going on I am ending this relationship" he angrily said while staring at me with flames in his eyes (ps not for real flames in his eye just a metaphor ok I am gonna shut up now).

I just stood there I didn't know what to tell him because if I told him the truth I would have to either kill him or kill myself. I kept on opening my mouth but no words came out. I could tell that this relationship was going on a rocky road and it wasn't going to end well. Natsu was about to walk away when I grabbed his arm and he stopped and turned around and he had tears in his eyes.

"Lucy I don't know if I can trust you anymore. How am I supposed to be your boyfriend if you keep sneaking around with other boys and won't tell me stuff" he said with a shaky voice while the tears kept on building up in his eyes until they fell. I just stood there I didn't know what to tell him so I just started crying silently and he pulled himself free from my grip and walked downstairs.

I followed him but a little slower than I wanted to go and when I finally reached downstairs Natsu went opened the door and slammed it shut. I could smell the tears that he was shedding. I stood there in shock for a second to process everything that just happened. I can't believe I just blew my chances with Natsu. No, no, no I won't let him go that quickly.

After getting everything together I ran out the door to follow Natsu. I could smell his scent he wasn't to far away I was running when I stopped. There was a sharp pain in my eye I needed to get home and medicate myself I was about to go back to the house when I remembered Natsu. I am just going to have to suck up the pain because I need him. I need to resolve this matter because I can't live with myself if I knew that it was going to end like this.

After running for about ten minutes I found him next to a stream in an open field. He turned around and looked at me. It looked like he had been crying for hours.

"Natsu I'm so sorry please forgive me I don't want this to end please" I cried while looking at him straight in the eyes then he walked closer to me slowly.

"Lucy I don't know if I can forgive you! How can I when you are being all flirty with Gray!" Natsu yelled at me and I just stood there with no words and I looked at him I can't get him involved in this. I can't get anyone involved in this

"Lucy I will forgive you if you tell me what's going on" he said as he got closer and he put his finger under my chin and lifted my head so he could see my whole face. I moved my head so that he couldn't see my face and he just sighed and he walked past me

"Wait!" I screamed while still having my back turned to him. I bowed my head I will tell him what he needs to know

"I'm. . . not. . . . human" I said slowly

"Ok so I'm not human either" Natsu said as if I were dumb

"I'm not like you I'm not like Gray I'm not like any other wizard out there ok I am changing and not for the good but for the worst and I need an antidote" I said slowly

I turned around to face Natsu and he gasped at the sight of me. I was different my eyes were bright red but not only that but my left eye was dripping blood

"Natsu I need you to trust me but I don't just need you to trust me I want you to love me again please" I said with desperation

He just walked closer to me and placed his lips on mine and I smiled. I want to stay like this forever I really wanted to but I had sharp pains on my arms and I broke the kiss and screamed.

"Natsu take me to the house now!" I yelled in pain

Natsu just looked at me picked me up bridal style and ran back to the house in full speed. We arrived at the house in no time and Natsu set me down and I struggle to get upstairs but I Natsu helped up the stairs.

I dragged myself to the brown door and opened it. I needed to finish this


I watched as Lucy opened the brown door and I caught a glimpse inside and there was blood splatters all over the wall. There were also lots of bottles on the floor and on shelfs. Then Lucy closed the door and left me standing outside the door. I wonder what she is doing and I wonder what she meant by changing for the worst.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to look for food because I hadn't eaten anything in 10 minutes and I was starving. I was raiding the fridge when I heard someone walk into the kitchen I turned around an I saw Gray. I clenched my fist but I knew if I did anything to Gray Erza and Lucy would be on my case so I was walking out the kitchen when Gray put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know your mad at me but you need to know that there is nothing going on with Lucy and I" Gray said in a serious voice I jut stood there then I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder then I walked away

I went upstairs and stayed in my room it was so orange. The walls were light orange, the ceiling was slightly darker then the walls, and the bed covers were also orange. I was taking a small nap when I heard screaming and I ran out of my room and I guess I wasn't the only one who was curious because I saw Erza and Gray come out of their rooms. We heard the scream again and it was coming from the brown room.

I started banging on the door and screaming Lucy's name but all there was were screaming. I tried setting the door on fire but Erza figured out that it was a magic door that blocked out and absorbed magic energy. What is Lucy doing that is making her scream, Is there someone else in there, if there is I will beat them to 15 different poles for hurting Lucy.

"Go. . . . .Away. . . . Everyone!" Lucy managed to say in pain

"Lucy what is going on in there!" Erza yelled pounding her fists on the door

"Go. . . Away. . . . I'll be. . . .Fine. . . . Don't-" Lucy was saying softly and she was about to say more stuff but was cut off with a loud thud. Now I was extremely scared and nervous what happened why isn't she responding to our questions

I was pounding on the door when I looked down and backed up and so did Erza and Gray. . . . Now I really have to know what is going on behind that door

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